Author Topic: Windy BF baby?  (Read 1164 times)

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Windy BF baby?
« on: May 29, 2006, 10:02:25 am »
My DD is 11 weeks old.

She has had windy problems for a while now and i have tried infacol, gripe, water, massage, osethopath to no avail.

The last 5 days she has been uncomfy all the time and won't be held in any position for very long without wriggling, squirming and crying. She has cried nearly all day and needs to be on the breast sucking to comfort her or rocked/in motion all the time.

I am starting to worry it could be some other problem? She was given gaviscon for silent reflux (we think??!) and this has made her poos more jelly like so harder to pass. She had been straining from Thursday until Saturday when she passes two massive poos which were like jelly!!
I have stopped the gaviscon now as it seemed to cause more pain then the reflux.
The thing is all the doctors and HV say is she will grow out of it by 3 months well that isn't far away and it's getting worse.
She feeds fine although it can be difficult as she is wriggling and bouncing on and off the boob.
She won't sleep all day and passes out at night, she won't sleep unless she is sucking on me as she is soo uncomfy she just cries.

I guess you could say she has colic whatever that is!!! I am now trying Colief starting today but hold not much hope up for it. Also it is difficult to give her meds a s she is BF and won't take a bottle so i have to syringe it in.

I am starting to get really worried now and am unsure if wind could cause all this problems?? She has a doctors 2morrow but they seem unhelpful also   

Has anyone else experienced this and when did things get better for you??

I need a light at the end of the tunnel to aim for as things seem to be getting worse   I'm finding it really hard and end up crying myself as she seems in pain all the time
Natalie, mummy to Kaylee my beautiful daughter. Born 14th March 2006

Offline teezee

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Re: Windy BF baby?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 13:46:04 pm »
in my personal exp i think that reflux and gas goes hand in hand...that and sensitive bellies...have you tried eliminating anything out of your diet..dairy, other gassy foods, caffeine? i wouldn't try everything at once but you may want to try eliminating one area for a week or so and seeing if you have any success at all. if not, try something else.

maybe you could take lo back to the dr to see if there is anything that can be prescribed - it does sound like lo is really uncomfortable..and it's soo horrible to see your lo like that {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline Petunia

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Re: Windy BF baby?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 14:48:05 pm »
I wonder if your lo has reflux or colic since you said that you have her on the breast all the time.  Having her on the breast too often will cause gassiness and colic-like symptoms.

Take a deep breath and a step back.  You need to look at the whole picture.  Whatever ‘solution’ you find is not going to solve the problem in one day.  I know you desperately want the crying and fussiness to stop but it won’t right away.  Continuing to jump from one idea to the next really only makes things worse.  Breastfeeding, while best for baby, is often a stressful endeavor for the first-time mommy.  There are so many variables involved and so few easily available helpful resources.

I think what you may need now is some information.  Give these a read and see if they help.

I also would recommend calling a helpline number – there’s a post about them at the top of this forum.  I know the idea of phoning a helpline is weird, at least it was for me, but those people are there to help you and they have a lot of information and experience at their disposal.  It sure beats fishing around for answers and never being sure if you’ve gotten the right one.

Let us know how you're getting on - especially if things get worse.

Offline teezee

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Re: Windy BF baby?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2006, 14:59:16 pm »
just to add - what i was told by my dr - lo's who have reflux either shun breast/bottle as they realize it hurts them to eat. other lo's (like mine) constantly wanted to nurse because it makes the belly feel better as bm is a natural antacid..although if lo's belly is getting too full then this could also make any reflux worse as there is more in the belly at one time. for the longest time i remember feeding my lo often, but very small meals so her belly wasn't so full and it did help. it didn't do much for having easy in those early days - it was more like eaesy (very short A time after the second E)..but it worked for us!!
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005