Author Topic: How much formula at a dreamfeed for 11 wk old?  (Read 1414 times)

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Offline Noni

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How much formula at a dreamfeed for 11 wk old?
« on: May 29, 2006, 15:20:30 pm »
Hi Ladies,

My dd (11wks) is breastfed except for the dreamfeed which is formula.  We have been doing this pretty consistently for the past 4 wks, however she doesn't usually take more than 2 oz.  Is this normal?  I don't really know whether she is just not drinking more cuz it's formula, or because that's all she wants.

I am not an experienced bottle feeder.  My oldest never had a bottle, so I have no idea if I am even giving it to her right.  My husband usually does this feed, but he is away this week so it will be my battle. 

Wish me luck.

Offline Noni

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Re: How much formula at a dreamfeed for 11 wk old?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 18:14:41 pm »
Yippee, my first dreamfeed with a bottle of formula went well.  She drank the entire bottle (4oz).  I am so happy.  This was my first bottle feed ever, so quite proud.  The things that I did different than my husband:  kept her swaddled, made sure the bottle was very warm, no distractions, held her in my arms (he usually props on pillow), and I fed her instead of him - these are all things I read on the bottle feeding posts - thanks to everyone. 

So I don't know if it's fluke that she finished or it was one of these things that I did differently, but what ever it was, it worked.  I will see how it goes the rest of the week while he's away.

Thanks Stacy for your post.  Usually I think it does benefit.  She is only waking at 5:30 or so.  I feed her just before putting her down at 6:30, dreamfeed at 10, and then she wakes up and feeds quickly at 5:30 or so, and back to sleep (usually) until 8am or so.  I am just hoping to of course to get that 5:30 to go to 6:30.
I only spoke of a 'battle' as in wishing she would drink more.  She always takes at least 1.5 oz (usually 2oz), but then usually spits the teat out and doesn't want any more.  So, I will have to see how tomorrow goes.

Good night.

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Re: How much formula at a dreamfeed for 11 wk old?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 18:59:02 pm »

You should maybe try a night with NO DF and see if your LO will still wake at the same time during the night, as she does with the DF. If she does then the Df is not effective, if she doesn't and wakes before her usual night feed then you know the 2oz is having some effect.
Lauren x

Offline Noni

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Re: How much formula at a dreamfeed for 11 wk old?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2006, 08:45:15 am »
Yes, I have tried a few nights with out dreamfeed.  She woke about 4:00 instead of 5 or 5:30.  So I think it helps a bit.  This morning after her whole bottle she slept till 6.  We'll see how tonight goes.

Just when my husband is out of town, my eldest (23 mths) developped croup last night and was in emergency.  Then off to the doc again this morning.  I think she is improving, but it is hard to tell as croup is a night time sickness.  She is on a steriod to help the inflammation so hoping it works.


Offline Noni

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Re: How much formula at a dreamfeed for 11 wk old?
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2006, 09:00:00 am »
So Maya drank 4 oz again last night and slept until 6, fed, and went back until 8.  I was happy as I needed the sleep after being awake all night the night before with Naomi.

So, is 4 oz normal for a dreamfeed then?
