Hi everyone. My little one is 11 months old and is not so interested in BF (max 3 per day). I am feeling ready to wean so for the past week I've ommitted her mid-day BF and she just BF in the morning and before dinner. The problem is, she does not like cow's milk. I don't give her a bottle because she just plays with it like a toy, so I offer it in a cup and she takes 1 or 2 sips and then just spits it out. She loves drinking water from a cup so she drinks that at lunch and throughout the day. She eats 100 mL of yogurt per day and cheese on some days.
I am just concerned that she is not getting enough milk and if she doesn't drink milk, what foods other than yogurt and cheese can she make up the difference with? She is great solids eater, 3 meals a day and snacks, loves all foods, just not milk.....
How much milk should an 11 month old consume?