thanks for info, didnt realise that there were nutrients missing from goats milk, my Health Visitor advised there was'nt but i am quickly finding out that HVs dont know everything!!
my HV advises that lo has an intolerance to milk due to reactions, diarroah, pain passing wind etc. lo is on infant gaviscon for reflux but i have tried him off it for last 2 days as the sma lactose free formula is giving him firm bowel movements and adding the gaviscon is making him constipated which is making the pain worse!
have not tried alimentum as HV (again!) advises all hypoallergenic formulas are similar in taste and action but if evidence shows differant i will go back and push this one. am desperate to try anything, he has had such a rough morning today things seem to be getting worse. dont know whether to try goats milk to see if any differant but dont want lo to be missing out on stuff.