Need some help guys!
DD, 5 months, formula fed, 4 bottles 7-8 oz, 4 hr easy, paci for naps and night time sleep, no df or night feed for past 6 weeks, except started 10 pm feed (not df) last night to hopefully curtail too many night wakenings (down to 3 last night). Usual routine goes like this:
6:30 - 8:30 - feed + A
8:30 - 10 or 10:30 - nap
10:30 - feed
12:30 - 2 - nap
2:30 - feed
4:00 - cat nap, about one sleep cycle, 45 min or so
6:30 - bath, bottle
7:15 - bed
She's not swaddled (recently weaned) except for legs. We put her down in crib, kiss and tell her it's sleepy time, and leave her, usually no problems off to sleep for all naps.
Problem: yesterday and today pm naps have been essentially non-existant. Days start out great. For example today:
E - 6:20
S - 8:10-10
E - 10:20
Then things went awry...Had to go out b/w 12-1 so during naptime, didn't sleep. Put her to bed at 1:20. At 2:10 still not asleep so fed her - took 5.5 oz and fell asleep. I let her sleep for 20 min in my arms and then put her down but she woke up. It's now 4:30 and I've tried since then to get her to sleep. She has been awake for 6.5 hours give or take 20 min.
She never crired but fussed to get her paci back a few times. I don't do pat/sh or pu/pd. Took her out of the crib at 3:50 for ten minutes and then put her back down but still no luck. Now I've resorted to the swing of all things, just to hopefully get her a little shut eye!
Though she doesn't usually sleep in the swing so don't know if it will work. It's so weird, every time she'd fuss a little while in the crib, she'd stop and smile at me as soon as I walked in the room. And now in her swing, she's babbling and all smiles. How can that be
Now I don't know how to go about the rest of the night and what to do to prevent this again. I want to nip this in the bud so that it doesn't affect other things, as I'm quite happy with our routine. I was otherwise just working on nightwakings and had no problems with the naps.
I don't know of anything developmental, except perhaps an early growth spurt as she gladly took that feed last night. No teething or colds as far as I'm aware.
Any ideas or suggestions. Please anyone!!
Maria, Miss Linnea's mom