Just wondering, I have been putting Nathan down to sleep at 8:30PM at night time, and we have been on E.A.S.Y for 9 days now, and he is doing very well.. Its also gotten to the point where I can finally put him down awake, swaddled, and the heartbeat monitor on and he will fall asleep on his own.. he still needs his soother though.. He is 11 weeks old...
So when I put him down for the night at 8:00, he is usually awake at 12:00AM or sometimes 1:00... he is hungry and needs to feed..
So I haven't attempted to do a dreamfeed just yet because I was always afraid doing so might wake him up.. Do I just leave him sleeping and stick the bottle in his mouth? He sleeps on his side, so I was wondering how I would go about doing this.. do I feed the regular 4 oz?? Could someone please get back to me on this as I would really like to start doing it tonight..