Author Topic: Help with 6MO daytime naps  (Read 1135 times)

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Offline rachel77

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Help with 6MO daytime naps
« on: June 05, 2006, 09:18:26 am »
Hi there

I've been posting on the 'getting back on track' board as my DS got all out of sorts after a cold and teething.

However, after plenty of good advise, we reckon he is overtired as he doesn't nap very well so I am trying you guys for help!

Currently, our routine goes something like this
6.00/6.30 BF in bed with mummy while daddy gets ready for work
9.00 breakfast
play and nap(!)
12.00 lunch
play and nap
3.00 FF
play and nap
5.30ish tea
nap if necessary
7.00 bath
7.30 feed
7.45 bed

He will not sleep for more than 30 minutes. I started putting him in his cot last week for naps and he sometimes goes to sleep but usually needs a dummy to do so or he just cries.

This morning he fed at 6.30 and I didn't let him snooze afterwards in bed with me. We played and cuddled. I got up at 7.30 and he played in his cot while I showered. I got him dressed and then cuddled and put back in cot around 8.30 in the hope he would nap before breakfast. I gave up at 9.30 as I was worried the whole day would be messed up if he didn't have his breakfast! He wasn't crying, just playing with his muslin and sucking the dummy.

What am I doing wrong? What can I do to get him to nap and stay asleep longer that 30mins?

Thanks for any advise

Rachel and Henry x
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Re: Help with 6MO daytime naps
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 11:36:53 am »
Hi Rachel. He sounds overtired to me. So he wakes around 6am? If so, at 6 months, his first nap should then be 8:30 - not 9 or later. At his age, 2.5 hours A time is max I'd go in the morning - maybe a bit more rest of day. Can you clarify what time he wakes and when you put him down for first nap? Also, what do you do for A times and what is his wind down routine?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline rachel77

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Re: Help with 6MO daytime naps
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2006, 14:02:31 pm »

Thanks for replying.

I've not been doing EASY strictly but think maybe I need to from now on!

He doesn't wake at the same time 2 days running and he's teething at the moment too which is altering things but he usually wakes between 6 and 6.30.

DH fetched him from his crib and I BF him in bed with us. Then DH gets up and gets ready for work and we lay in bed having a cuddle and chat! Sometimes he nods off again and that is whay I've always begun the routine of the day from 9 when he was his breakfast.

We haven't been having a wind down as such. I just take him up to his room when he's showing tired signs and give him a cuddle in the nursing chair. Then I put him in his cot before he starts to drop off so the cuddle lasts longer sometimes than others. If his eyes start to get heavy, I put him down. Bed time is sorted, bath, story, feed and bed. No problems.

A time is walking in pushchair, playing in the garden, baby gym, singing with mummy, going to the shops or grandmas.

Today has been a nightmare cos I didn't let him drift off after his first BF of the day in bed! He is soooo overtired and keeps having 20 minutes here and there and no quality sleep. I wish I'd just let him snooze with me this morning as usual!!

I am aiming for 2-2.5 hours after E for sleeping but he just lies there playing with his hands or looking around his room.

Ahhhhhrrrrrr! I know that if we can get this sorted he'll be much happier in the daytime!

Thanks again for your advise!

Rachel xx
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Re: Help with 6MO daytime naps
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2006, 14:36:09 pm »
Yes, I think you need to try to stick with an EASY routine - of course that does allow for some flexibility, but still... If he is waking at 6 or 6:30, I'd treat that as his wake time and then do first nap 2.5 hours later - no snooze after the BF. I'd also try to put him down for naps more awake - if you want until he's almost asleep it may actually jar him to go from your arms to the crib and lead to problems settling. At his age, you might just want to take him into his room 10-15 minutes before nap time and dim the lights, change his diaper, read a story and sing a lullaby and put him in the crib awake but sleepy. You also may want to make the beginning of A time more active at his age - tummy time, practice creeping/rolling, etc.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline rachel77

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Re: Help with 6MO daytime naps
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2006, 15:40:57 pm »
Do you think I need to get up and go downstairs with him after his BF at 6.30?

I think I'll try a 15 minute wind down for naps that's the same everytime like his bedtime is the same. He knows that bath = bed so maybe the same sort of pattern will help in the daytime too.

What do I do if I am out? I spend all day Tuesday out of the house with him.

He's really out of sorts today, I wonder if it could be teething? He has spent an hour in his cot this pm whinging and then being quiet and then whinging a bit more. I don't know if he actually slept cos I knew if he saw me he would want to interact with me so I just left him until he properly cried about an hour after I put him down.

I can't change my plans for tomorrow at this late stage so will have to wait til Wednesday to start properly but I will try as much as I can to get him to nap at the right times even though we're not at home!

Rachel x
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Offline rachel77

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Re: Help with 6MO daytime naps
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2006, 16:05:57 pm »
just to add - what do i do if he cries when i put him down more awake and should i go without the dummy as it's something new anyway?
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Offline rachel77

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Re: Help with 6MO daytime naps
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2006, 08:33:22 am »
OK so this morning Henry woke at 6.30 after an unsettled night (up from 3-4.30!)

So, he BF and then we got up and came downstairs. We played, had tummy time, he went in his door bouncer, then we sang some nursery rhymes and did the actions.

Then he yawned  so we went back upstairs about 8.20, changed his nappy, read a story, sang a lullaby and into his cot where he lay happily. It's now 9.30 and he hasn't slept yet!!! He started crying at 9.15 so I went in a shushed him a bit but still he wouldn't settle. I've given him the dummy again but now it's breakfast time so I don't know what to do. I know he's tired, I can tell from his cry and the fact he's been up ofr 3 hours now!

Leave him til he's slept or get him up for his breakfast?

I'm going to a friends for the day so I guess he'll sleep in the pushchair on the way if he doesn't sleep before!

Rachel and a tired Henry
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