Hi there! My LO is just over 11 weeks old. She is on a four hour schedule 7,11,3,7, and df at 11. She does very well on this and wakes only once at night. She is a reflux baby so we have had a rough time, but she is doing 100% better now with Prevacid. She wakes every early morning anytime from 4-5:15. I know it is not the same time every morning but when we get her up, she only takes about 1- 1 1/2 oz then she goes back to sleep. Last night my husband said he actually had to fight her to take 1 3/4 oz. She was awake but was fighting the feed as she does sometimes during the day (related to reflux at the END of a feed). We have decided she is not really waking out of hunger as 1 oz really isn't doing anything and he is able to get her back to sleep within 20 minutes. For the next few nights we are going to try to soothe her back to sleep. We do now swaddle her arms again, we had stopped, and she always uses a paci when going to sleep then spits it out once asleep which does not wake her back up again. I just wanted some tips on how to get her to stop waking and how to get her back. According to the book this should take a few nights then she should sleep? Even if it takes more than a few it is okay, but I think the wakings are becoming a habit, and would like to get it taken care of now rather than in a month!! Any help would be so appretiated! She takes 6-6 1/2 oz at every feed including the DF and she weighs slightly over 11 pounds. I know she is getting enough calories throughout the day.