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HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« on: June 05, 2006, 12:02:31 pm »
DD is almost 8 months.  She was a very gassy infant, her gas did not get better until almost 5 months.  Now for almost the last week she has been up all night long with gas pains.  She has not had any different foods.  She is now fully bottle feed.  She eats Enfamil Gentlease.  I am at my wits end.  She is in such pain its so sad.  She does not have any gas during the starts about 3 hours after she goes down.  Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas???  I would love any help you can provide.

BTW she does not poo everyday but every other but this never seemed to be a probem before.  I do mix her cereal(oatmeal) with some juice to help this along.

Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 05:01:58 am »
Maybe with the solids it is becoming an issue if she does not go every day.  Solid feeding has an entire thread about laxative foods that should help.  Have you tried giving her gas drops or gripe water before bed?
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Re: HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 11:09:13 am »
Yeah I have given her gas drops.  I will check out the soilids threads too.  Where do you get gripe water from??  Thanks for your help!
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Offline Jenn©

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Re: HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2006, 13:53:58 pm »
Gripe water can be found at health stores and in the baby section of some bigger grocery stores.  Also all over online.
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Re: HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2006, 01:00:55 am »
Gas pain was the biggest problem with both of mine too.  They are both allergic or intolerant to milk protein.  My youngest also has a problem with egg.  Their reactions (the gas/stomach aches/etc.) don't always come the first time they have a food.  Usually it slowly gets worse as the days go on and the food is still be eaten.  Has the problem gotten worse since she has been on formula?  How long has she been on the formula?  Also, what foods does your little one eat exactly? 


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Re: HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2006, 13:19:40 pm »
I have the same problem with my lo of 8 months Tracy.  She had terrible colic from age of 3 weeks until about 3 months.  I use colic powders - it's homeopathic stuff which can sometimes work (did in the beginning).  lo been on solids since 19 weeks, eating well but beginning to get fussy now.

I too at the end of my tether of what to do.  She's in terrible pain at night.  I need to address teat/bottle issues and Health Visitor has suggested the following which I'm going to try so maybe you could think about it too:

1)  Reduce amount of milk each day
2)  Reduce amount of whole milk (cow's) in breakfast cereal
3)  Cut out certain vegetables ie swede, onion etc
4)  Keep a food diary and cut out certain things to see if that helps

I've been advised that some babies can become intolerant to milk after a period of time and it's a case of reducing it and helping the gas at night by giving cooled boiled water, infacol/gripe water.  I also find if I move her around a lot in my arms, it can ease the wind.

She doesn't complain much of it during the day but like yourself, night-time is bad.

For regular movements, try squeezing 3 segments of a tangerine/clementine into water or yoghurt.  I did this for a few days and she was then back on track with regular movements.  Your DD is perhaps sore from needing to poo.

Sending lots of sympathy

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Re: HELP!!!!! Gas is back
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2006, 13:27:13 pm »
    My son Sean is very gasey too.  Once we switched his formula to Similac Alimentum Advance he was much better.  We also used gripe water on occasions as well.  Hope that helps.  Christine