I have the same problem with my lo of 8 months Tracy. She had terrible colic from age of 3 weeks until about 3 months. I use colic powders - it's homeopathic stuff which can sometimes work (did in the beginning). lo been on solids since 19 weeks, eating well but beginning to get fussy now.
I too at the end of my tether of what to do. She's in terrible pain at night. I need to address teat/bottle issues and Health Visitor has suggested the following which I'm going to try so maybe you could think about it too:
1) Reduce amount of milk each day
2) Reduce amount of whole milk (cow's) in breakfast cereal
3) Cut out certain vegetables ie swede, onion etc
4) Keep a food diary and cut out certain things to see if that helps
I've been advised that some babies can become intolerant to milk after a period of time and it's a case of reducing it and helping the gas at night by giving cooled boiled water, infacol/gripe water. I also find if I move her around a lot in my arms, it can ease the wind.
She doesn't complain much of it during the day but like yourself, night-time is bad.
For regular movements, try squeezing 3 segments of a tangerine/clementine into water or yoghurt. I did this for a few days and she was then back on track with regular movements. Your DD is perhaps sore from needing to poo.
Sending lots of sympathy