I wanted to ask some questions regarding Lactose intolerant. What exactly does it means? my son is 7 months old and is totally breastfed. since birth he is really Gassy and burps a lot but no throwing up or spitting at all. He doesnt like formula but he loves 2% milk that I drink. I know doctor's suggest not to give cow's milk until 1yrs of age but I am not sure what else to give him as he just doesnt like taste/smell of any formula with the cereal. So I tried Cow's milk and he had so much gas with it. Then I tried Silk Soy milk that he loves and I think doesnt have so much gas with it. So is having lot of gas only symptom that he is lactose intolerant? When he was 4 months, doctor suggested me to go on soy/milk protien free diet because he had some rashes and eczema. I did for 2 weeks but nothing changed as far as his rashes or his gas. Last night he woke up so many times(I dont remember the count) because of Gas because I gave him little 2% milk in the morning. Does that mean he will never be able to take any milk products

I want to start yogurt, butter and cheese for him too, but now scared to do anything.
Any information/suggestion is appreciated.