Author Topic: Starting EASY with a newborn-What to Expect  (Read 183006 times)

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Starting EASY with a newborn-What to Expect
« on: June 08, 2006, 00:51:29 am »
*All information is taken from The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems, by Tracy Hogg

The first six weeks of baby's life will be a time of adjustment for not just the baby, but also for the entire family.  Use this time to observe, and be sure to use your EASY logs (  You will want to start EASY as soon as possible, preferably when you come home from the hospital. 

Generally, if your lo's birthweight was 6 1/2 - 8 pounds, he should be able to last 3 hours between feeds.  This time frame should be adjusted if your baby weighed less (2-2.5 hrs for those under 6 1/2 pounds, premature, or jaundiced).  So, baby will eat, be burped, have a diaper change, then be placed for a nap for the remaining time until the next feed.  There won't really be any "play" time for 0-6 week old, but the feeding, burping, and changing will make up the total A time, which would probably last 45 minutes to an hour.

From page 25:  A Typical E.A.S.Y. Day for a 4-week-old:
E 7:00   Feed
A 7:45   Diaper change, some playing and talking, watch cues for sleepiness.
S 8:15   Swaddle and lay your baby in the crib.  It may take him 15-20 minutes to fall asleep for his 1st morning nap.
Y 8:30   You nap when he naps.
E 10:00  Feed.
A 10:45  See above.
S 11:15  2nd morning nap.
Y 11:30  You nap or at least relax.
E 1:00   Feed.
A 1:45   See above.
S 2:15   Afternoon nap.
Y 2:30   You nap or at least relax.
E 4:00   Feed.
A 4:45  See above.
S 5:15  Catnap for 40-50 minutes to give him enough rest to handle his bath.
Y 5:30  Do something nice for yourself.
E 6:00  1st cluster feed.
A 7:00  Bath, into jammies, lullaby or other bedtime ritual.
S 7:30  Another catnap.
Y 7:30  You eat dinner.
E 8:00  2nd cluster feed.
A         None.
S         Put him right back to bed.
Y         Enjoy your short evening!
E 10-11  Dream feed and cross your fingers 'til morning!

Note:  Whether a baby is breast- or bottle-fed, I advise the above routine-allowing for variations in times-until 4 months old.  The "A" time will be shorter for younger babies, and get progressively longer for older ones.  I also recommend turning the two "cluster feeds" into one (at around 5:30 or 6) by 8 weeks.  Continue the dream feed until 7 months-unless he's a great sleeper and makes it through on his own.

From page 27:
"...With an average-weight baby, feeds generally last twenty-five to forty minutes (depending on whether they're breast- or bottle-fed and whether the baby chows down or grazes at a more leisurely pace).  Activity time (which includes a nappy [diaper] change) is thirty to forty-five minutes.  Sleep, allowing fifteen minutes or so for the baby to drop off, is 1 1/2 to two hours." 
" Babies who weigh more than average at birth-say eight to ten pounds-often feed a little more efficiently and take in more food at each feed.  There's more weight on them, but you'd still keep them on the above three-hour routine."


From page 26:
Baby doesn't conform to a 3 hour routine and barely has any activity time.
Make sure you are following a routine appropriate for your baby's birthweight.
Baby often falls asleep during feeds, but then seems hungry an hour later.
This is common for premature, jaundiced, low birthweight, and sleepy babies.  Therefore, you will have to work at keeping baby awake for feeds, and/or feed more often.  If breast feeding, confirm proper latch-on and good milk supply.  (Please consult a lactation consultant or other medical professional for assistance with these matters.  Also, we offer support on our Breastfeeding Forum.)
Baby wants to eat every 2 hours.
If baby was an average birthweight, he may not be eating efficiently.  Make sure he is taking a full feed rather than falling asleep too soon into the feed.  If breastfeeding, ensure proper latch-on and sufficient milk supply.
My baby seems hungry all of the time, but he only eats a little.
Baby may just need more suckling time.  By offering the breast or bottle each time, he may become a snacker.  For an average weight baby, offer a pacifier between feeds (3 hrs apart) to hold him over.  If breastfeeding, ensure proper latch-on and milk supply by doing a yield.
Baby doesn't take regular naps.
"He may be overstimulated by too much activity." (pg. 26)  Also make sure to swaddle him and allow him to fall asleep independently.
Baby naps well, but is up frequently at night.
Baby may have his days and nights switched.  Limit his daytime sleep and continue with the EASY routine during the day.  Wake him for his feeds during the day, and limit naps to 2 hrs (for an average-weight baby).  You want him to get the majority of his calories in the day, but not all of his sleep in the day.
Unable to understand baby's cries.
Using the EASY plan will help you discern a baby's needs.  If you have fed baby, and he's been up for another 10-15 minutes, then he's likely tired when he begins to fuss and cry.  However, touchy and grumpy babies tend to cry more for less apparent reasons.  Rule out physical problems such as gas, reflux, or colic.

A note to breastfeeding moms:  It is common for your supply to decrease as the day goes on.  Therefore, it is natural that your baby may want/need to nurse more frequently in the evening hours.  Thus, the beginning of the day may have longer lengths between feeds (3 hrs) and longer naps between feeds, then the evening may consist of feeds every 2-2.5 hrs with shorter naps in between the feeds.  This is actually a bit like cluster feeding.  Of course, if you are ever concerned with your supply, you should seek the advice/assistance of a lactation professional.

Here is a useful link with comments and suggestions from other members about getting started on EASY:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 18:55:56 pm by *Nicole-Ava's mom* »
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007