Hello, welcome to the board
Firstly, well done on your progress so far, you're doing well!
Secondly - at 4 months it's possible that she's hit a growth spurt, and this can affect the usual routine. It often means that a baby can start to handle longer A times (activity times between naps), and the classic signs are suddenly starting to have trouble going to sleep for naps, or the sudden appearance of 45 minute naps (they sometimes seem happy when they wake after 45 mins, but soon get grumpy b/c they haven't had enough sleep, or they can wake up crying).
From your routine, it looks like she gets about 2 hours A time between naps - perhaps you could start increasing this. Don't do it too quickly, or she will get overtired, gradual increases of 10-15 minutes a day are the way to go. Still follow her cues, though, she will let you know when you reach the 'right' amount of A time (and then she'll probably change it again in a couple of weeks
With the catnap - Tracy always said that this was the 'freebie' nap, where you can cheat a little. As long as she has two other good naps in her cot, then it doesn't matter if she gets this one in her pram or car-seat, so don't worry if you're out and about.
Swaddling - don't worry about it, if it's working for her then keep doing it! My ds didn't give it up until he was 8 months old. I too was worried about weaning him off it, but he pretty much weaned himself - as he got more mobile, it started to annoy him, so we switched to a gro-bag instead.
HTH, please keep us updated how you get on