Author Topic: Should I start to feed again to stop the early morning waking?  (Read 1012 times)

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Hi everyone,
Looking for advice on whether to start feeding my almost 5 month old again to stop her from waking at 5am in the morning. She dropped her dream feed at about 6 weeks old and I stopped feeding in the middle of the night when she was about 14 weeks old. She slept basically from 7 to 7 but woke in between when I rewrapped her and would stick in her dummy ( I'm Australian and I think you guys call it a pacifier) she would the go back to sleep and I would often have to wake her at 7am. She has just started to wake at 5am in the morning and talking and I rewarp her and stick the dummy in but I don't think she really goes back to sleep. I don't get her up until about 7am and then feed her then. She is bottle feed and has been since about 2 weeks old. She also is a 45 minute  day sleeper since about 5 weeks old. Somedays are good and some are bad............. Give me some advice please.

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Re: Should I start to feed again to stop the early morning waking?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 16:34:40 pm »
Hi Traci,

I would suggest feeding her if you are certain that she's hungry. At that age it's not at all unusual for a lo to need a night feed.
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o