My 6 1/2 month old DD usually wakes up 2x per night, but now she's waking up 4-5 times. I know she can sleep through the night, since she's done it a few times for between 8-11 hours! the first night she was on solids (cereal) she slept for 8 hours, but has never done it since.
I'm not sure if its a habit or if she really needs to eat, she wakes 5 hours after I put her down then usually another 5 hours later, so it makes sense that she could be hungry. Should she still be eating in the night? I have one book that says it is completely normal until they are 9 months, but is this true? She's in the 97th percent on the charts and weighs over 20lbs. I've tried to reduce the amount of time she's eating, but of course I'm so tired that I fall asleep & wake up 1/2 hour later! She refuses a bottle, so that won't work.... I've also tried giving her the soother, which works but she then wakes every hour, and from this trial now she loves the soother & I feel its becoming a prop.... hmmmm.....
here are some questions swirling through my tired head:
Should I stop the night feeds or should I keep feeding her till she's 9 months?
I've tried to up her calories during the day, but it never seems to make any difference, she still wakes up the same
She shows signs of being tired after about 2 hours during the day, how long should she be awake at this age before napping? Do you think her naps are too short?
I've tried putting her to bed earlier, but it didn't seem to make too much of a difference, should I keep her up later so she's more sleepy?
Here's her details....
How old is your child? 6 1/2 months
What?s his/her daily routine? wake 7am, feed, back to sleep between 8 or 9 (I wait for the signs, it varies) up after 45-1hour, cereal, activity nap around 12ish for 45- 90 mins (varies), walk or play, late nap around 3pm (45-1hr), then feed, bath, bed for 630 or 7ish.
What?s nap routine? usually 3 per day (today was the first of only 2)
How long are naps? 45 mins
What's bedtime routine? massage, bath, feed, song, bed
Time?Do you bottle or breastfed?? Breastfed
How much? or how long? 5-8 mins
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) usually one side if I feel she hasn't had enough I'll do both
How many wakes per night? was 2, but not more frequent, up to 4 or 5
What?s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? She whines (doesn't really cry) and usually falls right back to sleep if I giver her the soother or feed her. (feeding seems to help her last longer)
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? fussing
What have you tried to settle?? feed or soother, I've tried pat shh, picking her up, etc, doesn't seem to work.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? singing, on mat or in excersaucer, usually for 20-30 mins
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? she's started teething
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO?s under 6 months) Yes, only last week, once a day (was twice but just introduced pears this week)
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? soother (sometimes she doesn't need it, I only giver her it if she's overtired)
Do they have a lovie? no