Author Topic: Now 8 months old, still waking more...  (Read 3037 times)

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Offline livilou

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Now 8 months old, still waking more...
« on: June 09, 2006, 07:06:16 am »

My 6 1/2 month old DD usually wakes up 2x per night, but now she's waking up 4-5 times.  I know she can sleep through the night, since she's done it a few times for between 8-11 hours!  the first night she was on solids (cereal) she slept for 8 hours, but has never done it since.
I'm not sure if its a habit or if she really needs to eat, she wakes 5 hours after I put her down then usually another 5 hours later, so it makes sense that she could be hungry.  Should she still be eating in the night?  I have one book that says it is completely normal until they are 9 months, but is this true?  She's in the 97th percent on the charts and weighs over 20lbs.    I've tried to reduce the amount of time she's eating, but of course I'm so tired that I fall asleep & wake up 1/2 hour later!  She refuses a bottle, so that won't work....  I've also tried giving her the soother, which works but she then wakes every hour, and from this trial now she loves the soother & I feel its becoming a prop.... hmmmm..... ??? 

here are some questions swirling through my tired head:

Should I stop the night feeds or should I keep feeding her till she's 9 months? 

I've tried to up her calories during the day, but it never seems to make any difference, she still wakes up the same ???

She shows signs of being tired after about 2 hours during the day, how long should she be awake at this age before napping?  Do you think her naps are too short?

I've tried putting her to bed earlier, but it didn't seem to make too much of a difference, should I keep her up later so she's more sleepy?

Here's her details....

How old is your child? 6 1/2 months
What?s his/her daily routine?  wake 7am, feed, back to sleep between 8 or 9 (I wait for the signs, it varies) up after 45-1hour, cereal, activity nap around 12ish for 45- 90 mins (varies), walk or play, late nap around 3pm (45-1hr), then feed, bath, bed for 630 or 7ish.
What?s nap routine? usually 3 per day  (today was the first of only 2)
How long are naps? 45 mins
What's bedtime routine? massage, bath, feed, song, bed
Time?Do you bottle or breastfed??  Breastfed
How much? or how long?  5-8 mins
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) usually one side if I feel she hasn't had enough I'll do both
How many wakes per night?  was 2, but not more frequent, up to 4 or 5
What?s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up?  She whines (doesn't really cry) and usually falls right back to sleep if I giver her the soother or feed her.  (feeding seems to help her last longer)
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?  fussing
What have you tried to settle??  feed or soother, I've tried pat shh, picking her up, etc, doesn't seem to work.
What do you do for A time and how long is it?  singing, on mat or in excersaucer, usually for 20-30 mins
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones?  she's started teething
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO?s under 6 months)  Yes, only last week, once a day (was twice but just introduced pears this week)
Do they have a prop? If so what is it?  soother (sometimes she doesn't need it, I only giver her it if she's overtired)
Do they have a lovie? no

« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 15:43:15 pm by livilou »


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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 08:36:27 am »
i think the teething might be causing the more frequent night wakings. have you given any pain relief for it. could possibly that the 2 night wakings are habit as they are at the sme time every night. i think some babies do feed at night until 7-8 months. my only other thought was  she might need to start dropping the catnap in the a/noon and possibly extending her A time. sure one of the mods will advise you better.

Offline teezee

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 14:22:58 pm »
are you putting your lo right back to sleep after the morning feeding? that could be the problem as lo might be 'making up' for the lost night sleep with that early nap...
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline livilou

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 15:29:51 pm »
thanks for all the tips, I'll try them all, I do think she isn't up long enough in the morning, this morning she woke crying at 6, then 7, when I fed her and then she slept till 8 (when I got up - I was so tired!). 

How long should they be awake between naps at the age?


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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2006, 16:25:47 pm »
AT 6.5 months, my LO was up for about 2 hrs and 45 minutes and he was taking 2 naps a day. If you do decide to keep your LO up longer I found it best to do quiet activities like reading in his room.
7 - up and feed solids
9:30 BF
9:45 - 11:00 nap
12:00 solids
1:30 BF
1:45 nap - 3:45 nap
5:00 solids
6:00 bath
6:30 - BF
6:45-7:00 down for the night

Cory was waking for a feed during the night for the longest while... I started giving him watered down EBM and within a week he was sleeping through (2 ounces BM and 2 ounces water). His eating during the day has improved big time! I know that your LO doesn't want to take the bottle... it may be worth intro'ing a sippy cup or perhaps dad will have more luck with the bottle. I tried to decrease that feed in terms of minutes with BF'ing... but I would always fall asleep too etc.
I hope I was able to help.

Offline livilou

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 00:11:34 am »
thanks Cory!

I'll try a similar schedule, one thing I am finding hard is getting her to sleep for longer than 45 mins in her crib, if she's in the stroller out walking its no problem to have her sleep for 1 1/2, I am going to keep her up for longer periods to see if it makes her sleep longer, any suggestions on that front would be great!


Offline teezee

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2006, 02:03:43 am »
on extending A time - just do it slowly 15min or so every few days until thing start improving - it may take a few days to start seeing results but keep at it -just don't let lo get overtired/overstimulated in the process. keep that extra A time as low key as possible..nothing stimulating and things should be fine! keep us updated on your progress :)
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline livilou

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2006, 16:10:06 pm »

I'll try that.

Yesterday I dropped the late afternoon catnap & had her in bed by 645 pm.  She didn't wake until 3am (feed), then 5am, 6am (feed), 8am..... (normally there's another wake up at midnight)... so there is a little progress there!

We got up at 8 had breakfast & now I'm trying to keep her up longer than an hour before the morning nap and she's so tired, I'll try 1 1/2 today & extend it a bit each day.

Do you think keeping her up longer between naps will help her sleep longer at night??


Offline Cory'stiredmommy

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2006, 18:00:13 pm »
How is everything going?

Offline livilou

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Re: 6 month old, waking more... Now 7 months....
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2006, 17:01:16 pm »

Its a while since I've managed to log in, things have changed, but for the worse!  DD now has 2 teeth & I think 2 more on the way, waking up 4 times a night, she's whining a lot (never used to!) and is more fussy about everything! 

Her daytime schedule is as follows:

800 am Wake

900 am breakfast (solids)

1000  Nap (2- 21/2 hours)

1200 pm Breastfeed

100 pm lunch (solids)

200 pm Nap

400 pm breastfeed

500 pm dinner (cereal)

630 pm (bed routine, bed by 7pm)

11pm - wakes for feed

130 am - wakes

300 am - wakes

600 am - wakes (feed)

800 am - wakes for day

She falls asleep on her own for all naps & at night, and during the night when she wakes & I go see her she falls right back asleep, but if I don't go see her, she gets louder & louder!

Should I be keeping her awake longer between naps?

Also not sure if her naps are too long during the day, are 2 hour naps too long for a 7 month old?

Should be dropping a nursing for a solids?  Sometimes she refuses the solids altogether, and only takes 1 serving per day, usually the last one of the day. 

Please help with the latest dilemma, I'm exhausted!



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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2006, 18:10:54 pm »
i think her naps might be too long (IMO) if shes up at 8am and then bed at 7pm (might need a later b/time??)i think she may need slightly longer A times as the naps may be robbing from her night time sleep

she could be refusing solids becuase she is teething but it could also be the two feeds at night which is affecting her appetite during the day.

Offline livilou

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Re: 6 month old, waking more...
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2006, 15:38:16 pm »

thanks for the advice, I tried it out.  I kept her up longer, more A time & tried putting her to bed later.  Unfortunately it didn't work, :-[ she still woke up 4 times around the same times as before but she's up now at 6am.  One change is that she is eating more solid food during the day, not refusing it so much in the mornings.

I am absolutely exhausted, last night she went to bed at 730 pm, woke at 1130, 130, 330, 500, then up at 600.  the first wake up, I managed to get her back to sleep with a cuddle & the soother (she usually spits it out & then refuses it when I try).

Is there anything else you think I could try, should I shorten her naps?  the 2 1/2 hour one in the morning & 1 1/2 - 2 in the afternoon are they too long for her age?  Should I break the rule & wake a sleeping baby?   ??? She's now almost 8 months.

please help!

p.s. I don't know what (IMO) means?

Offline livilou

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Re: Now 8 months old, still waking more...
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2006, 22:24:56 pm »
Hi Stacy,

Thank you so much for all of the advice!  Today we extended the A time to a full 3 hours, so we'll see how that goes....

In the past couple of days she is having about 2 tbsp of solids 3 times a day.  She does bf a lot before bed, but throughout the day she's been too distracted, although today was better, I found a quiet space, so I'll take your advice & try to up the breastmilk & I'll try out the schedule.

As for the naps, should I wake her up after 1 1/2?  She usually sleeps for 2 1/2 in the  mornings.

I've one question, today she was a little constipated, I believe i might be the iron in the cereal I'm feeding her, do you think that could keep her up at night?

« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 14:33:49 pm by livilou »

Offline livilou

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Re: Now 8 months old, still waking more...
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2006, 14:31:52 pm »
I think I get it now, its a fine balance between awake time, activity time, food & getting enough sleep during the day....

Last night didn't work with the longer A time, I think I pushed it & she might have been overtired. 

7pm - bed
1230 am - feed
230 am - cuddle
430 am - feed
600 am - feed
woke her up at 700 to try the new schedule... god I'm exhausted!

She really was hungry all of the times I fed her, If I didn't feed her she would have screamed for a long time.  I'm wondering if I'm producing enough milk?

Anyway I'm off to make her breakfast!

Wish me luck!

« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 15:37:47 pm by livilou »

Offline livilou

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Re: Now 8 months old, still waking more...
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2006, 03:58:12 am »
here's the latest... yesterday I had to wake her at 7 to start the day... her first nap lasted 45 mins (usually 2 1/2 hrs), 2nd nap the same (usually longer too), catnap 2 hours!.... hmmm, then she still woke up at night...

Today I fed her less cereal & more fruit (she might be constipated), I BF her a lot, so we'll see how tonight goes.

A friend told me that giving a bottle of formula before bedtime worked for her, anyone got experience with that?
