Definitely not crazy. My DS never had bloody stools, etc. but he would get very wound up, upset, gassy but without the pulling the knees up, etc. You could just feel it moving around in his tummy. For us it was dairy and wheat. I'm not suggesting you do this, but we got so fed up with it that I actually ate nothing but rice and chicken for 5 days, then began adding foods. This was how we found it. And every once in a while we'd check in a very controlled way to see if he'd outgrown it. I could start eating wheat again when ds was about 9 months, and dairy again when he was 11 months.
Good luck! It can be frustrating to figure it out, but once you do the change makes it all worth it! I didn't find it hard at all to avoid dairy or wheat only because I knew the price to pay if I ate it. It can be a pain eating out, though. I ended up cooking mostly from "whole" ingredients, as so much processed food has whey and so on in it.