I don't know where to begin but I'll try to keep this short. My DD has just turned 5 mths. Four weeks ago she was doing 2hr nap in the mornings, 2 hrs in the afternoon and 30 min catnap. Everything was going very well. And then we went away for a weekend and she got sick and she got teeth. Fast forward. She now wakes up at 6:15 and plays (sometimes she will go back to sleep-more often than not she won't) Her naps dropped to 1.5 hours and now 1/2 hour. She is struggling to stay awake as long during the day because her naps aren't as long. She was an Angel baby, but is now becoming irritable. We put her down between 6:30-7:30 depending on when her last nap ends. We were on a textbook four hour EASY-now it can be anything. I am so lost and close to giving up.
When she wakes up from her naps she is happy and smiling...there doesn't seem to be a "transition stage" She opens her eyes and starts talking and laughing almost immediately. Do I start pat/shh then, what about PU/PD...although I've read Tracy's books, I had completely understood when to use the techniques...and because my DD was an Angel baby I didn't really need them. I now have no clue where to begin or what to do.
Any and all help is so very much appreciated!!