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Bedtime fight!
« on: June 16, 2006, 15:22:18 pm »
My 10 week old has decided bedtime is for losers!!!  I start the wind-down at 7ish & by 8 he is usually in bed (he takes extra long to wind down in the night).  Then he wakes at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, & by 10 he is usually good until 2 am feed & then 5 am feed.  I am afraid to give him a DF at 10 or 11 since he's finally asleep then.  He will go back to sleep at 5 am (I've tried getting him up for the day but he won't) & then he wants to sleep until 9 am.  I've tried waking him at 7 am to start the day & he just falls asleep in my arms or wherever I put him.  UGGGG!

He is getting much better at napping during the day but this nighttime deal is getting to us.  There is no "us" time in the evenings for DH & I because we are constantly resettling him & then DH goes to bed at 10 to get up for work during the week.

How on earth do I get my child to move his bedtime back?  I don't let him sleep more than 2 hours during the day at a time for 2 naps (morning & afternoon).

Offline Janie

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Re: Bedtime fight!
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2006, 22:38:57 pm »
I think you have the right idea by being there to put him back to sleep when you wakes up.  Keep doing that.  As for the initial bedtime, everything i have read about bedtimes says to move slowly.  Start your winddown and bedtime routine for the night half hour earlier, and do that for 2-4 days.  Then, move it another half hour sooner.  I remeber a side note in the book "BW solves all your problems" that talked about a mother who wanted their baby to go to bed later (they went to bed at like 5 or something, and woke up early because of that).  Tracy cautioned that some babies have a 'set' time, and if you mess with it things will get worse.  So test the waters and see what he thinks. 
As well, you said that he has 2, 2 hour naps.. how often does he eat?  At 2 months he should be on a three hour easy, that looks like this:
7:30ish activity
8 or8:30 sleep
10 eat
10:30 activity
11 or11:30 sleep
1 eat
1:30 play
2 or2:30 sleep
4 eat
4:30 activity
short cat nap 30-45 minutes
7 eat, followed by bed time routine

10-11 dream feed sometime in there.

Now, of course this is ideal, but this might have something to do with nightime sleep for you little one.  More sleep in the day means better and more sleep at night.

Hoep that helps a little.

Offline Jenny_Jen

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Re: Bedtime fight!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2006, 13:31:30 pm »
Right now our routine is something like this since this is what happened yesterday morning (and most mornings)

6 am - wake (only eat 2 oz of food)
6:15 - activity
7 - crashes & I put him in his crib
9 am wake (I wake him & eats 4 oz of food)
9:15 activity
10 crashes again I put him in his crib
11:30 or noon - I wake him & eats another 3-4 oz
11:45 or noon - activity
1:00 - nap time but this time I have to put him to sleep & he usually wakes a few times during this nap
2:30 - wakes eats 3-4 oz of food
2:45 - activity
4:00 - nap (I only allow 45 min nap if I can get him to sleep)
6:00 - bottle usually only takes 3 oz
6:15 - very low key activity (sucks his soother)
7:00 start wind down which he fights & screams eyes wide open
8:00 - I start to put him in his crib
8:30 usually he is sleepy enough to go to sleep

A bath before bed I find too stimulating so I try to get it in in the mornings before the 2nd nap every other day.

Last night he woke at 9:30 screaming for food & took 4 oz & slept until 2:30 am & then woke this morning at 6 am at which again the same thing starts over.

Today I am just going to go with the flow & not wake him & see how he does.  It's 9:30 & I can hear him in his crib stirring to wake up.