I think you have the right idea by being there to put him back to sleep when you wakes up. Keep doing that. As for the initial bedtime, everything i have read about bedtimes says to move slowly. Start your winddown and bedtime routine for the night half hour earlier, and do that for 2-4 days. Then, move it another half hour sooner. I remeber a side note in the book "BW solves all your problems" that talked about a mother who wanted their baby to go to bed later (they went to bed at like 5 or something, and woke up early because of that). Tracy cautioned that some babies have a 'set' time, and if you mess with it things will get worse. So test the waters and see what he thinks.
As well, you said that he has 2, 2 hour naps.. how often does he eat? At 2 months he should be on a three hour easy, that looks like this:
7:30ish activity
8 or8:30 sleep
10 eat
10:30 activity
11 or11:30 sleep
1 eat
1:30 play
2 or2:30 sleep
4 eat
4:30 activity
short cat nap 30-45 minutes
7 eat, followed by bed time routine
10-11 dream feed sometime in there.
Now, of course this is ideal, but this might have something to do with nightime sleep for you little one. More sleep in the day means better and more sleep at night.
Hoep that helps a little.