Author Topic: EASY not so EASY at 10 months...  (Read 911 times)

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EASY not so EASY at 10 months...
« on: June 18, 2006, 08:25:50 am »
Hi, my db is 9 months, almost 10. He has being on EASY since new born. I have found out that some days are smooth, and others not so smooth. However, we try to keep the predictability...
Some days, for example, he will wake up at 6.10 am, although most of the days he will at 7 am. One day he will sleep his 2 naps and the other day he will skip the first or the second nap. This is the tough part, because then sometimes he will be overtired and kind of grumpy at the end of the day. He will usually sleeps at 7-7.30pm, but other days (not often at all, thank God!), he will talk and talk, or cry, and sleeps until is already 9 pm. AH!, and some days he will take a long nap and that will be just fine for him (3 hours).
We try to let him calm down by himself, but if he starts crying (and we know when he cries for help), then we go to his room and calm him down. Some days will take only few minutes, others will take 2 hours  ::) ::)
I let him play on his own during the activity time. However, when he gets tired of being there I read him some books, we talk, we play a little bit together or I put him on a sitting position. On this aspect, however, I am not quite sure if I have done "my best". Some days seems he would like me to be there with him, other days he seems just so happy by himself   :o
His routine is as follows:

7 am                   E
                         A (go for a walk to the mountains outside our apt. My husband carries him on a special back for this purpose ;) ) And by the way, he LOVES this activity
8.30 am              E breakfast
9 am                   S 1 nap (if any)
11 am                 E
12.30                 E lunch
1 or 1.30pm        S 2 nap (if any)
3 pm                  E (if he is too tired and did not take his second nap, he will some times sleep after this feed)
4.30pm              E dinner
5pm                   A (he "plays" with some other children on day care while I exercise)
6.15 or 6.30pm   Bath, pj's, read story...
7pm                   E
7.15-7.30           S

But for example, today he refused to sleep his first nap at 9 am. I could see he was tired, but he just cry a lot each time I tried to put him on bed. I tried to calm him down but it did not work. It reached a point when I needed to go out from the room with him. So now his dad is with him for a stroller ride. Maybe some fresh air will help. Any tips any one?  :)
Does someone would like to share their EASY routine for their babies around 9-10 months? Do you face any problems with the naps? What do you do?
I guess all this is normal behaviour and part of growing up. I am, however, some times uncertain if I am doing something wrong.   :-\ I guess this is all part of the journey... ;)[/font]

Offline HeatherC

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Re: EASY not so EASY at 10 months...
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2006, 16:40:42 pm »
{{{HUGS}}} to you!  Uncertainty is par for the course when you're a parent.  I think you are doing fine, and his routine just might need some tweaking.  What you do with him during A time sounds just fine.  I believe at his age, separation anxiety can rear it's head, so just take time to show him that you are still around close to him.  Giving him independent play time is fine, though.
Have you tried lengthening his morning A time?  You could try just 15 mins, and take him back outside to hold him over if he becomes fussy.  A slow stretch might help him become tired enough to nap again.  On days that he does not nap well, though, you should consider putting him to bed earlier, even by an hour if he's particularly grumpy.
Here's a thread that will include sample routines for 10 month olds:

Let us know if we can help further.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007