I finally have plunged into the 2 - 1 nap transition for my twins. I figured that I'd give it a shot with my daughter too. Surprisingly, my daughter is handling it very well. (Fingers crossed!) She's still sleeping 14 - 14.5 hrs a day; her sleep is just reorganized. My son was doing well for 3 days, and is experiencing some bumps along the way now.
I'm basically pushing out the morning nap by 15 - 30 mins. It used to occur at 9 am, and I've pushed it out to about 10 am now. I'll push it out to 10:30 tomorrow.
The thing is... my kids don't take the afternoon nap now... even though I do still offer it. My daughter sleeps ~ 2 hrs during her 10 am nap, so I don't feel so bad. But my son sleeps only an hour, and is up around 11 am. I put them down for bed around 5 pm.
My daughter does fine and sleep right away. My son did do just fine and slept right away for the first 3 days of the transitioning process. However, last night, he woke up from his sleep at around 6:30 pm and stayed up until 8:15 pm. I was worried that he was going back to his 9 pm bedtime again.

Today, I set him down around 5:15 pm, and he took a long time to fall asleep. He finally slept around 6:50 pm. He did take a catnap today (from which I woke him up) -- from ~ 2:55 - 3:05 pm.
Do you think he's overtired? I thought a bedtime of 5 pm sounded reasonable. They usually wake up around 6/6:30 am.
What amount of time should they be awake between their sleep? I'll be pushing out the morning nap even more tomorrow, so the time he's up between his nap and his bedtime will be less than it is now. I've been reading the messages on this website and have even read the sample toddler schedules... but have found that the range can be anywhere between 4.5 - 6.5 hours. Is there a recommended A time for babies this age? Or is it something that could vary from baby to baby?
Thanks so much again!