Hi Twins 2005,
I have been following your saga because I too have moved my DS to one nap and am having issues. I don't know if you think your DS is having all the problems he is because of switching to one nap or not but I think that's why we're having problems.
I am so frustrated with our switch to one nap. It has gone on for about 3 months but that may be due to my indecisiveness and his body just really going back and forth on the 2 nap 1 nap thing. My DS is having bedtime issues, too. I try to put him down early as he seems tired in the late afternoon. I try putting him to bed sometimes as early as 6:00pm (based on how long he's napped and when he got up. Usually around 5 hours from the time he got up from his nap) But a lot of times, he won't go to sleep until 8:00pm! Somedays he'll go down easily at 7:00pm or earlier. It's a crapshoot, I tell you! Last night he screamed and cried for 45 minutes while we tried getting him down. He finally calmed down and went to sleep around 7:25pm.
My son gets up around 6:30am-7:00am (He's started sleeping a bit later in the morning, yay!). I've been trying for a nap around 11:00-11:30am, too. He doesn't have 40min. naps like your little guy but he sometimes sleeps about an hour, hour and a half which I don't feel is that long but I'll take it. But, since a lot of times he's up around 1:00pm from his nap I try to put him to bed early so he won't get overtired but he then won't go to sleep!
My suggestion would just try and be as consistent as you can when you do put him to bed for the night. My DS sometimes won't go to sleep, either, even when I know he's tired but he'll just stay up in his crib talking away. I figure he's at least "resting" even if not getting all the sleep I think he needs. You sound like me, obsessed with sleep!
My DH says I need to think about something else! Well, he doesn't have to be here all day dealing with it!
As for what the doctor says about sleep, I personally don't think they know a darn thing about babies and sleep. I've NEVER had good advice from our pediatricians office on sleep issues. I just try to read all I can on sleep (like I said, I'm obsessed!) and do what I can to help my DS get all the sleep he can but he doesn't always cooperate!
Although it's not a BW type of book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" is a great book as far as info on toddlers and babies and sleep.
I'll keep reading along and hopefully someone out there has some better advice for you in this struggle!
William born 3/23/05