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Anyone Else Discouraged?
« on: June 21, 2006, 18:41:24 pm »
hmmmm, i want to give up completly.  my lo is 9 months.  he sometimes goes down with no problem for his naps and others it takes literally hours.  i am going insane.  so for this nap i have given up and he is on my bed sucking his thumb as we speak.  i have attempted for 9 weeks and seen some progress at times but have in this moment given up and lost all patience.  i suppose this moment of impatience will lead to a completely overtired baby that will take for ever to settle tonight at which point i am sure i will still have no patience.  what am i supposed to do?  who knows, i think a lot of people ask that question.  My lo does not fall asleep by nursing, rocking, or anything else for that matter that could be labeled as a prop, which i suppose is a good thing.  however pat/ shh does not seem to work either unless i do this until he is completely out and even then it is not a guarentee.  i mean i have done pat/shh for literally over an hour.  i am seriously going nuts.  My husband thinks i am crazy and says i should just walk around with him until he falls asleep.  i dont know.  As far as routines go well he eats every 3 hours, does activity for abuot 45 min to an hour and sleeps anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours depending on him.  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  anyone else feel like this? if so, what did you do in those moments ?

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 18:47:46 pm »

The first thing that jumped out at me was that he is eating every three hours.  Have you tried every four?  That may help.

I also wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel.  It took us quite a while to teach both of our boys to nap and some days B still has problems.  All you can do is the best you can do sometimes it is okay to cheat (I discovered this the second time around) or take a break and try again in 10 or 15 minutes.

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 18:55:16 pm »
hello there,
well i think i have already given up as i was driving myself mad with my ds and his night wakings. i have decided that for now i will let him get on with it and try to stop obsessing about it , so what i will be so sleep deprived i am getting used to not knowing anything anymore  ;D

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 19:58:40 pm »
oops i mean he is 9 weeks.  thanks ladies.  i finally ended up in the bathroom with the lights out and the fan on.  this seemed to knock him out.  is this horrible?

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 20:11:37 pm »
Maybe getting a fan or a white noise machine would help in his room.  Also can you black out the windows?

Every three hours is fine for 9 weeks old.


Offline gena

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 15:36:38 pm »
too funny, i ordered awhite noise machiene and it is seems to help him sleep longer especially in the night. Thanks for taking the time to help me out.  it makes the process easier knowing other have dealt or are dealing with the same types of things.  thanks again.  One day at a time.  this is my new motto. 

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2006, 11:24:08 am »
I understand being discouraged.  I thought if I just followed EASY everything would work well.  My LO is 3 months on Wed. and I've been stressed out for the last month and a half.

We use white noise which I think seems to help (drowns out 2 yr old sister).

I'm using the shh-pat method to a degree.  I'm about to throw the swaddling out the window.  She wants to suck her thumbs, fingers, knuckles... I leave one arm out, but then it seems she wants the other one.

Can't remember exactly when it started getting difficult, but she had trouble going to sleep  (I wasn't using shh-pat originally, had tried but...)

then naps went short

and I don't know what to do anymore

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2006, 15:37:56 pm »
I can understand your frustation completely.  Just last week I was at the doctors office in tears cause we've been having so many problems with my son Cohen's eating and it was driving me nuts.  I thought there was something wrong with him so I told my nurse that he screamed almost everytime he ate and told her about our routine and she told me to stop the routine and wait until he was hungry, even if that meant longer than 4 hours.  Following the EASY plan I think works for some babies, but I am proof that it doesn't work for all.  I was so obsessed trying to get him to eat every 3-4 hours, making sure he had his hour and a half naps and then obsessed with getting him to sleep through the night.  He just recently turned 3 months old and it seems now I read all this information that babies before 3 months old should not have a strict routine to follow. 

If your son is only 9 weeks old, I would agree with your husband by just walking around with him to get him to fall asleep - if that is what he needs.  He's still so little and maybe needs this extra comfort sometimes.  Sometimes my son will go down for naps easily or to bed for the night easily and other times he needs more help.  I now just do what it takes.

As a first time mom I think the baby whisperer has some really helpful tips, but I think for me I was getting too involved with this routine that I wasn't paying attention to my baby's real needs and what he really wanted.  I also was thinking about it so much that it was affecting my sleep, my mental state and I just couldn't relax and enjoy my baby. 

It's been a week now where I've just not followed the clock and really paid attention to him rather than what the book says and he now eats so much better - barely any screaming, he sleeps better for naps, and best of all  - the past 5 days he's slept through the night. 

My advice, do what works for you and your son and stop obsessing over following a routine or worrying about not doing what the book says in fear of creating a bad habit.   Enjoy your baby and know that you are doing a great job!


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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2006, 17:10:44 pm »
Hi Michelle;  I am sorry you are having a hard time.  First and foremost BWing is about listening to YOUR baby and following his/her cues.  It's not really about following a books routine.  The book and this site are here to guide you toward finding what is best for your individual LO.  After all, we aren't there with any of you to see things, you are.  You have to do what feels right.  We offer suggestions and possible solutions but it's up to parents to pick and choose or even adapt things to fit your situation.

I think it's easy to get all caught up in routines and obsessed with sleeping patterns.  I have done it myself in the past.  Easy is an idea, a concept, as is pat/shh - pupd or any other method in Tracy's book.  It is ok to adapt it to fit so long as you keep the general idea.  For example if your LO hates pat or shh, then try something else like patting the bum and humming, or rubbing the bum or back and softly
singing, or a firm hand on the back and soft loving words.  So long as you only use it to help settle and stop when baby is settled so it doesn't become a prop - then its fine.

To me BWing is about relaxing and enjoying your baby.  Its about watching them and listening to them and getting to know them.  It's about forgetting the clock, babies don't fit into a clock.  I think that's exactly what Tracy intended we all do with her books.  You need to pick your battles in life.  If you choose to rock LO to sleep, no one here is going to think any less of you - I would just say, start as you plan to continue.  Rocking a 1 year old would be hard work, I'd imagine  ;) but its all about what works for you. 

So, I'm sorry if the book didn't translate like this for you :-[.  I hope no one gives up BWing.  I truly believe its best for babies.  Most often when things "Don't work" it's operator error  ;) and there are many moderators and experienced members out here to help you find the error and help fix it.  You just have to let us know.  ;D

Hi Renollem;  Reading our post reminded me of the chapter in Tracy's book about Easy, it says something like EASY isn't Easy!  Lol.  Have you posted in the Easy section or Nap section for help?  I hope things get better for you.

And Lastly, Gena;
I use white noise to sleep!  Owen doesn't too, we use fans facing the wall.  I think it really helps soothe people while sleeping AND muffles house sounds.  Please don't give up!  You can do this, perhaps you need help tweaking something!  Perhaps a post in the appropriate board will get you the help you need to continue.  This is not easy, parenting isn't easy... actually nothing in life worth doing is easy LOL.  I hope things get better, BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!

Love and repsect,


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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2006, 21:13:37 pm »
Boy do I ever understand! I am in the same boat with you! Today, my DD has slept maybe a grand total of 2 hours and she is only 8 weeks old. I'm not so sure this BW stuff really works. I have being doing it for going on 3 weeks and spend hours in there with her. There has to be something better.

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2006, 22:31:29 pm »
Hey gals!

I understand your frustration in not seeing the results you'd like right away. The thing is, Tracy makes it very clear that her methods only work with complete consistency and that you must see it through all the way. One must be very dedicated to starting as they mean to go on to have results. In her new book she states that parents who find sleep training to not work have usually not been given it enough time, or have not completely given up old habits. One must be 100% in their efforts to change sleep habits.

Please post in the proper forums with your problems and I am sure we can find a solution.  ;)  We want to help, there is a solution, we just have to find it.


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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2006, 22:57:04 pm »
Hi Ladies,

I have to agree with Zoey, and also admit that I have been there.

We need to remember that EASY is meant to be a flexible routine and not a fixed schedule.  Watch your los for their cues and you may find that they fall, naturally, into this pattern.

I do know that it is frustrating at times (we are still struggling with our 9 month old for going to sleep and we started from the day she was born).  I also know that I don't want to fall into habits that I will have to break later.  This childrearing stuff is hard and Tracy herself never admitted otherwise. 

So a suggestion I have is to forget the routine for a day or two and watch your lo's cues, carefully (do this when you can be home and dedicated to doing nothing else).  Write down what happens when (eating, sleeping, activities) and how long.  You will very likely see a pattern emerge.

We are not here to judge and you may choose any method you would like to get your los to sleep, eat and play.

We hope your reconsider and, like Zoey suggested, post your concerns in the appropriate forum so other members and moderators can help you move in a direction suited for you and your lo.

Best wishes for happy babies  :)

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2006, 02:20:08 am »

I do agree that the baby whisperer does have some great tips and techniques to use and would recommend this book to help teach parents to get their baby into routines and ensure they don't create bad habits that they will want to fix later on.   :)  I feel that the baby whisperer does work for some babies but for others not all techniques will work.  I don't feel it is fair to say that in most cases that when it isn't working that it is "operator error" cause I feel that this implies we are doing something wrong and that is why it isn't working.   :(  I know people who have followed this book exactly, including myself and sometimes it just doesn't work.  My baby will not follow a 3 hour EASY plan or even the 4 hour EASY plan.  He eats when he decides to eat - how do you work with that?  Ever since I started the plan my son started screaming while he was eating.  I thought the screaming was caused by either reflux, ear infection, gas, overactive letdown, formula, bottles, etc.. but the real reason was because - He wasn't hungry.

Although my little one doesn't have real nap problems, I felt it was good to post my recent experience to let Gena know that sometimes when things aren't working and you are getting overwhelmed, it is time to do what works rather than sticking with the plan in fear of creating a bad habit.  Sometimes babies do need a little extra cuddling especially before 3 months old.   

I think we need to support each other and not let anyone feel that they are to blame if the plan isn't working.  We are all great mothers and only want what's best for our babies.   :)


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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2006, 03:29:36 am »
You couldn't be more correct there Michelle!  We are all great Mommies and Daddies, and yes we all want what is best for our wee ones, very true.  Perhaps you are an exception, and that is why in my post I said, "Most often when things "don't work" its operator error".  Most often when people say in their post that something isn't working, we all work together until we find something that does work, and most often we do.  I am sorry it you don't think that is fair, it's just my opinion based on my experience.  :)

For me, when I started I thought pat/shh didn't work.  Come to find out through these boards and the help of the mods, I realized I was not doing it correctly for my LO.  So, I wasn't doing something right.  The methods work, some have to be varied but they do work.  For Owen, he disliked shhing, it irritated him, so I listened to that, and tried to find a way that did work for him.  I tried humming, jiggling, rubbing, singing, speaking softly, and something else I can't remember now.  Come to find out, he just liked patting and the sound of the fan.  :o

As I said before, the books aren't really meant to be followed exactly, they are a guide and you need to take what the book teaches and find the way that works with your LO.  The idea of EASY isn't about time frames, its about Eat, Activity, Sleep.  So if my baby wanted to eat when he wanted to eat, I would respect him and go with that and have him Eat, then play, then sleep.  So, it is EASY, just not one with a time frame.  ;)

Anyhow, I am glad you figured out what your LO needed and he isn't screaming anymore  :)  I am also glad he is a good napper, lucky you!  ;D  I am glad you posted, its great for people to see many different views and ideas.  :D

As for Gena's post, I feel that if she is here on the BW site, she is looking for help and support with these methods.  To tell her they might not work, I am not so sure that is helpful.  Telling her that there is a way she can do pat/shh that her LO will like and will work, and that we just have to figure out what that way is, may be more supportive and helpful.  I do agree at this point perhaps taking a break and watching her wee one is probably the best plan.  My worry is that she will feel like all is lost and nothing will work, except for walking around til her LO falls asleep.  My goal in posting here at all was to say, "Hugs, we can help you find a way that will work - please don't give up."  Gena, please don't give up - we can help! 


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Re: Anyone Else Discouraged?
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2006, 05:42:58 am »
Ladies I am very sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I want to send you my encouragement. Remember that your LO's are still very young and small. They are both doing pretty well for their age. Try not to compair your LO's to other LO's. Each baby is unique in their own way and is a blessing to their parents.

BW is not about making your baby perfect. Far from it. Its about teaching you to listen to your LO, which I believe you both are doing very well with.
Try to remember that you and everyone else is just doing the best you can. Try not to expect more then your LO is ready for. Not an easy task, but if you can do that the pressure will lessen on you.

Gena; At 9 weeks your LO is still trying to sort himself out, as are you. Your a new mom and you are a GREAT mom. Never let anyone tell you different. Relax and breath, your doing great. BW doesn't work overnight. There is no magic or quick fix, there is only hard work. Such is parenting.  ;D Naps are tough. My LO didn't nap well until she was 5 months old. I worked very hard with her naps for a very long time before I saw results. Now I don't know what your routine is, or your wind down, or what time your LO goes to bed for the night, but posting these in the naps, or sleep boards will let people help you, if your willing to put the work in, and you want the help, there are many people here with experiences just like yours, who can really help you out. I know its not easy, especially when you are tired, but it really does get better with time. I highly recommend you avoid nursing or walking to sleep, it can really bite you in the butt in the end and you end up with more problems then you have now.   I too recommend a fan in the bedroom. :) white noise really helps.

macsmum; I'm sorry but I can't remember how old your LO is, but I wanted to send you some encouragement as well. :)  He will sleep through eventually, really he will {{HUGS}} I just wish I could tell you when :( sorry I can't be more help.

renollem; At three months if your LO is ok without the swaddle then go ahead and loose it :) you never know maybe thats what she needs. If she's found her thumb she is well on her way to self soothing, and with self soothing comes better sleep. There is light  :D

ATCgirly; I think you are being to hard on yourself. Remember your LO is only 8 weeks. She's doing fine, not something you want to hear I am sure, but you are doing fine. It takes time for EASY to work. As Tracy says EASY isn't easy. Keep trying, be consistent and don't worry. :) Believe me I heard those words many a time in the first 3-4 months of being a mom, it can get annoying, but you know what? its true. When you stop pushing, and lessen your expectations you'll find that things are a lot better then you think.

To all of you, you are not alone. There isn't a parent on this sight who hasn't felt exactly like you. I know I did. I scoffed at this ever working, but it does, it just takes a lot of work and time. BW means a commitment. It takes time and patients to learn your child's language. No parent is ever going to be perfect, and neither is any child.

One thing that can help is to do the type test for your LO (its in the EASY forum) Find out if you have an Angel, Spirited, Grumpy, Touchy, or Textbook baby. When you know that you can change your tecnics so they better suit your child.

For example I have a Spirited child. She doesn't show tired signs the same as other LO's. She fights sleep, she's extra active and extra work (or I think so  :P) but worth every second. By knowing this I was able to fit my EASY routine to her needs and also my calming technic to fit her better. For example Pat/shh the way its described in the book didn't suit my LO. I had to change it to fit her, once I found that things got easier.

My point (yes I have a point  :P) DON'T GIVE UP!! Your are doing great as new parents and as time passes things will become clearer and sleep will return. We're all hear to help you, just reach out and we'll come
