Ladies I am very sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I want to send you my encouragement. Remember that your LO's are still very young and small. They are both doing pretty well for their age. Try not to compair your LO's to other LO's. Each baby is unique in their own way and is a blessing to their parents.
BW is not about making your baby perfect. Far from it. Its about teaching you to listen to your LO, which I believe you both are doing very well with.
Try to remember that you and everyone else is just doing the best you can. Try not to expect more then your LO is ready for. Not an easy task, but if you can do that the pressure will lessen on you.
Gena; At 9 weeks your LO is still trying to sort himself out, as are you. Your a new mom and you are a GREAT mom. Never let anyone tell you different. Relax and breath, your doing great. BW doesn't work overnight. There is no magic or quick fix, there is only hard work. Such is parenting.
Naps are tough. My LO didn't nap well until she was 5 months old. I worked very hard with her naps for a very long time before I saw results. Now I don't know what your routine is, or your wind down, or what time your LO goes to bed for the night, but posting these in the naps, or sleep boards will let people help you, if your willing to put the work in, and you want the help, there are many people here with experiences just like yours, who can really help you out. I know its not easy, especially when you are tired, but it really does get better with time. I highly recommend you avoid nursing or walking to sleep, it can really bite you in the butt in the end and you end up with more problems then you have now. I too recommend a fan in the bedroom.
white noise really helps.
macsmum; I'm sorry but I can't remember how old your LO is, but I wanted to send you some encouragement as well.
He will sleep through eventually, really he will {{HUGS}} I just wish I could tell you when
sorry I can't be more help.
renollem; At three months if your LO is ok without the swaddle then go ahead and loose it
you never know maybe thats what she needs. If she's found her thumb she is well on her way to self soothing, and with self soothing comes better sleep. There is light
ATCgirly; I think you are being to hard on yourself. Remember your LO is only 8 weeks. She's doing fine, not something you want to hear I am sure, but you are doing fine. It takes time for EASY to work. As Tracy says EASY isn't easy. Keep trying, be consistent and don't worry.
Believe me I heard those words many a time in the first 3-4 months of being a mom, it can get annoying, but you know what? its true. When you stop pushing, and lessen your expectations you'll find that things are a lot better then you think.
To all of you, you are not alone. There isn't a parent on this sight who hasn't felt exactly like you. I know I did. I scoffed at this ever working, but it does, it just takes a lot of work and time. BW means a commitment. It takes time and patients to learn your child's language. No parent is ever going to be perfect, and neither is any child.
One thing that can help is to do the type test for your LO (its in the EASY forum) Find out if you have an Angel, Spirited, Grumpy, Touchy, or Textbook baby. When you know that you can change your tecnics so they better suit your child.
For example I have a Spirited child. She doesn't show tired signs the same as other LO's. She fights sleep, she's extra active and extra work (or I think so
) but worth every second. By knowing this I was able to fit my EASY routine to her needs and also my calming technic to fit her better. For example Pat/shh the way its described in the book didn't suit my LO. I had to change it to fit her, once I found that things got easier.
My point (yes I have a point
) DON'T GIVE UP!! Your are doing great as new parents and as time passes things will become clearer and sleep will return. We're all hear to help you, just reach out and we'll come