I am the very tired mom of a 4 mo. old. He has had issues since birth, sometimes he is fine for a couple of days (will even sleep through the night 6-7 hours) and then we go through another rough 4-5 day stretch. I am just trying to eliminate any possibilities. My first child had food sensitivities when I was BF her and she had very obvious signs. My ds is different and I'm not convinced it is food but maybe someone out there can help me. He is so fussy at night for about 3-4 hours and then will wake at around 3-4. He seems wired during the day. Even when I extend his naps to 1.5-2 hrs. he is tired and fussy. When I nurse him (about every 3.5 to 4 hrs.) he pulls back and will sometimes come on and off. If I try to end the session he screams. He just never seems to relax. He has some gas but not what I would call excessive and it usually doesn't have an odor unless it smells like bf poops. His stools are brownish yellow and are thin. He was stretching out his bm's but is now going daily again. He doesn't seem to be bothered with passing gas or having a bm. He seems young for teething and I don't see or feel anything. Since this has been happening for so long I assume it is something different. Has anyone experienced this? I am so tired of trying to figure it out. I have kept a food log to try and see a pattern, no luck. Any help would be appreciated.