Author Topic: Do I need to use wake to sleep?  (Read 633 times)

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Offline Rachal

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Do I need to use wake to sleep?
« on: June 22, 2006, 08:40:49 am »
I've read Tracy's books but have only just logged on yesterday to this site - it's fab!!!

My DS is 8 weeks old and I'm just starting to put him on the EASY routine.  He's always slept way less than the "average" baby. He isn't grumpy or fussing when he's awake so I haven't worried about it too much but am having a bit trouble keeping to the EASY - he seems to prefer EASYA - EASYA etc..

His naps during the day rarely last more than 45 mins. Sometimes I can coax him back to sleep once he's woke but more often than not I spend about 45 mins trying to get him back to sleep, by which time he's due for his next feed - then we start the cycle again. His routine is something like this:

7.30 - 7.50 - E (he's always been a quick feeder)
7.50 - 8.40 - A nappy changes (he usually has 2-3 as he poo's more in the morning) and playing on mat
8.50 - 9.40 - S (he falls asleep after about 5-10 mins settling)

Then it's a hit or miss as to whether he goes back to sleep between 9.40 and 10.30 and the cycle begins again.

Night time is a different story, his routine is aprox:
7.30 - 8 - S
12-12.30 - E
12.30 - 3.30 - S
3.30 - 4 - E
4 - 7 - S

So he CAN sleep past 45 mins but seems to chose not to during the day! I have black out curtains which really darken the room so I know that daylight isn't the issue.

Do I need to try sleep to wake? can the routine work using EASYA? and if not does anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: Do I need to use wake to sleep?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 00:56:33 am »
hello and welcome!

yes, the routine could indeed look more like EAEAS or some other similar form, especially if you are breastfeeding. 

there are short nappers - babies who consistently sleep only 45 minutes at a time.  these babies typically wake happy and are just fine to go about their day (and are still happy about 10 minutes later).

if your baby is not one of those, you will probably want to work on extending his naps.  the vast majority of babies do need that extra sleep, as the longer the nap is, the more restorative it is. 

wake to sleep may indeed be the way to go & you can read more about it in the Nap FAQ section. 

good luck & HTH  :D
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy

Offline Rachal

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Re: Do I need to use wake to sleep?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2006, 11:24:20 am »
Thanks Jaime

I've tried stirring him a few times now but no success - although I read in the other posts that it will take time to master so I'm not giving up. We had our bathroom re-fitted yesterday and he managed to sleep through all the drilling and banging, then woke up when I touched his cheek after a 40 min nap! Fingers crossed for today.......

thanks again