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Offline Terryv

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Allergy questions
« on: June 22, 2006, 22:55:11 pm »

I posted here a month or two back as our little daughter (now 7mo) was very very unsettled virtually the whole time. After going around the houses with the health professionals here in the UK, we finally got the results of allergy tests which unfortunately show she is allergic to milk protein, eggs, soya and nuts. We have also been told to stay of of gluten, wheat etc and she has eczema for good measure.

Allie is still having BM at the moment and despite having a diet of that, plus meat, fruit and veg, she is still putting on weight each week (although not huge amounts).

The concern we have is that we will need to get her off of BM fairly soon and she is currently very, very resistant to having the hypoallergenic formula (Neocate) we have been prescribed. We are slipping the odd scoop into her solid foods but as it is rather a strong taste, she often catches on to the plan and refuses to eat it. Given we are restricted in what she can have anyway, this is a problem. She also flat out refuses to drink it from a bottle or cup (although we haven't withdrawn access to the BM yet to try and force the matter).

Is anyone else out there using Neocate ? Do you have any ideas about how to flavour it so as to mask the taste and smell. We used to mix some with banana but she now refuses to eat banana !

As always, thanks in advance for your suggestions.


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Re: Allergy questions
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2006, 23:21:18 pm »
Honestly, Neocate tastes pretty bad (I know, my DD used to be on it) and at 7 months it's not likely your DD will take to it too well after months of yummy breastmilk. Can you continue to BF and when she is 11-12 months you can start to supplement with rice milk?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Terryv

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Re: Allergy questions
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2006, 20:34:07 pm »
I think you are right, we were trying Nutramigen a while back which is even worse. The Paediatrician has told my wife to cut down the number of BF's so we have started that this evening (much crying to start with but sleeping now). Even if cutting down is successful, Allie will still be getting 5 feeds per day (2 or 3 during the night) plus solids (with Calcium and vitamin supplements), plus the occasional scoop of Neocate mixed with food or other liquids.

I didn't think rice milk had much nutritional value, obviously the benefit of Neocate is all the vitamins and so on it has in it, we are really concerned about how to replace those vitamins if she won't take the formula.

The hospital have also asked how we would feel about having a feeding tube inserted, whilst we really really don't want to put her through it, we might have no choice. However, given Allie is so active, we think she is very likely to pull it out anyway.


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Re: Allergy questions
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2006, 20:40:23 pm »
Why would you have to cut down on BFing? I don't understand why the doctor would say that.

Rice milk does not have much fat but that can be made up in other ways (flax oil, avocado, etc). Vitamins are in solid foods and her vitamin supplements.

If it were me I'd try to BF until a year or at least 11 months and then supplement with rice milk and high fat foods.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Terryv

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Re: Allergy questions
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2006, 20:48:31 pm »
I think their reasoning was that Allie currently BF's 8 or 9 times a day which is rather more than average we understand. I think they are hoping also to encourage acceptance of the formula by doing it, and also to start the process of getting Allie used to not always being with her Mum.

Sairah is supplementing the savoury solid foods with a scoop of a soya/milk free margerine twice a day and that is going OK. Avocado sounds like a good idea, might give that a try shortly.

I think Allie would drink the rice milk, apparently there is an enriched rice milk which has more calcium in it, going to have a look out for that too.



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Re: Allergy questions
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2006, 15:56:17 pm »
Hi Terry

Was just thinking that I hadn't seen much from you recently so was happy to see this post. I'm glad that your little girl is doing well slowly but surely. Having the allergies that she has identified will help you in the long term I am sure.
Sorry I can't be of any help to you as your problems are well out of my depth - just wanted to say hello and send a hug or three for you all.

Helen xx

Offline Terryv

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Re: Allergy questions
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2006, 21:17:56 pm »
Hi Helen,

Sorry to take so long to reply, been working away for the last couple of weeks. Finally finding out what Allie's allergies are was quite a relief and certainly gave us some confidence that we could now do something for her. She is doing a lot better now, very inquisitive and fidgety, making up for lost time I think.

We are still having trouble with getting her to sleep for any extended lengths of time. A good night probably consists of her waking about 5 times, if her eczema is making her uncomfortable (hot weather isn't helping), she can still wake up to 12 times a night. She does now and then sleep for a bit longer during the day, she even slept for 2.5 hours the other afternoon, we were amazed, haven't had that much quiet time since she was born !

Anyway, enough from me. Hope you are all well.

Take care,
