Author Topic: Hysterical over sleep...  (Read 731 times)

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Offline maxmum

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Hysterical over sleep...
« on: June 24, 2006, 16:32:57 pm »
Hi, my Lo is 4 months and we're getting desperate when it comes to the issue of sleep.  I'll just give you some background info... 

We started on EASY when he was just turned 3 months and had some success with the routine part of it, however because he was waking hungry and eating more than he used to (he used to snack) it exaccerbated his reflux (which i didn't know he had at the time).

 He's now on medication for reflux which i think is working and i'm ready to try EASY again but at the moment i have the most chronically overtired baby that i just don't think i can face it until we find a way of getting him to sleep.  He has always been rocked to sleep on a pillow (the ped says this probaby relieved his reflux as he was slightly upright)-this technique still works a bit but not always now.  I also nurse to sleep if i can but that sometimes fails also.  Basically he gets hysterical the moment he feels tiredness come over him and then it's a horrible oreal to get him to sleep and stay asleep.  At the moment he will only sleep next to me in bed (this is for naps and night so my poor husband has been in the spare room for a month).  He rarely sleeps over an hour (even at night) - it's pretty much a worse situation than when he was newborn!  I think part of the problem is that i'm terrified of him being in pain, i don't know whether he's not sleeping because of his reflux or because he just doesn't know how.  I have never seen my baby looking sleepy, he goes straight from happy to crying with no 'sleepy window' although we do get an occasional yawn which we respond to as quickly as possible.  He also still prefers to snack many times during the day and night which i'm scared to change in case it makes his reflux worse.

Please help us... (i guess you might want to scoot this over to the reflux department-i wasn't sure where to post.)



Offline naunmom

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Re: Hysterical over sleep...
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 20:32:29 pm »
My dd (also 4 months) has mild reflux and we determined that she didn't need to be on meds because she was gaining weight and growing and does not seem to be in pain ... so our situations are a little different .. but I'll just share what worked for us in case it might be helpful.

I have found that what worked for us is sleeping on her tummy and elevating the mattress in her crib by putting a pillow under the mattress at one end.  I know that tummy sleeping is not the recommended way, but it's what worked for us because it was really what she preferred.  In the beginning I had her napping in the living room so that I could be within eye and earshot.  Then later as she got more robust and was able to roll over, even if I put her on her back she rolled onto her tummy to sleep. When I began transitioning her into her own room/crib, I started using a baby monitor so that I can listen for any "unusual" sounds without being in the room and and only go in if needed.

I have also read that for reflux babies, eating less and more frequently is better for them, but then I don't know how that affects the overall EASY routine.  I used a combination of EAS and feed on demand.  So I play around with her feed times but try to stick with an EAS format ...

Just some ideas ... but sometimes you just have to go with what's working for now and what seems to be best for both you and your lo  ... and as things change/evolve you can adapt and introduce BW methods as he's ready ... just my 2 cents.   Hang in there!

Offline maxmum

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Re: Hysterical over sleep...
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 08:22:37 am »
Thanks for your reply, had the most awful night last night..

7pm bath and stories

8pm BF to sleep

8:15pm woke

8:15-10pm rocking etc until eventually asleep

11pm woke

11pm-04:10am!!!  rocking and feeding etc until asleep

05:00am woke and feed

05:30am asleep

07:00am wake for the day.

Daddy's currently trying to get him to take a nap but no success yet  :(

Please help, this can't go on.


Offline symons

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Re: Hysterical over sleep...
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 16:22:41 pm »
I too am struggling with my sons sleeping. He is approaching 4 months and also has a mild case of reflux. He is on meds. I have him nap on his tummy so I can keep a check on him. He used to lay down and fuss for a couple of minutes then find his thumb and drift off to sleep. now it's like he needs the paci to nap. I pull it out as soon as he's asleep. Night time is horrific. I want him to be able to go to sleep without any props but he just screams. He is a text book baby. So good and happy during the day. But he doesn't seem to like his crib. I feel clueless. I dont know what to do for him. Everyone we talk to says to let him cry it out. I'm not strong enough for that. if only each baby came with their own personalized manual! If I try anything that works I'll let you know. I know that things may take a few weeks but it's so discouraging and makes me want to quit.

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Re: Hysterical over sleep...
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2006, 19:18:05 pm »
First, big hugs to you both!!  As far as reflux and props/AP goes, all the rules go out the window.  Babe needs to be comfortable, do what is needed to achieve this.  Once the 'flux is better under control, then we fix all the AP stuff.  Are they sleeping with the head of the crib elevated?  Helps keep stuff in the tummy.  Pacifiers encourage sucking/swallowing.  This soothes the pain.  So if it helps babe sleep, go for it.    Maxmum, you need to break the overtired cycle.  I'd try whatever you need to get some good sleep time into him, then when he feels better, work on keeping that up.  I wonder if his med is doing a good job, or if he just sees bed=ouch?
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