Author Topic: Milk Intolerance Confirmed =(  (Read 1373 times)

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Offline Lucysmom

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Milk Intolerance Confirmed =(
« on: June 24, 2006, 20:36:40 pm »
Hi -

My dd is almost 13 months and at her 12 month doctor's visit it was recommended that we try her on some milk products.  She has been on soy formula since she was 2 weeks old and the two times she accidentally got some milk she vomitted.  I was quite certain she had an intolerance and dh thought I was overreacting (he is a doctor ::) ).  So Lucy's pediatrician advised us that she might have outgrown the intolerance and that the only way to find out would be to give her some milk products.  So I did this morning and my poor little girl vomitted so many times I cannot count.  So she definitely is intolerant.  Besides the vomitting, she got really lethargic and slept on me off and on for two hours.  I am totally bummed about this obviously.

I know that she has consumed items (like bread, crackers) on a fairly regular basis that do contain some milk products and that she did not have any kind of reaction.  Should I cut these items out of her diet completely in hopes that a total avoidance of all milk products will help her outgrow this intolerance eventually?

Also, I can't figure out if I should be calling this an intolerance or an allergy.  Her reaction to the milk happened about 1.5 hours after she consumed it.  What should I be calling this?

Thanks for any insight or advice.  A hug or two would not hurt either... :'(

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Re: Milk Intolerance Confirmed =(
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 21:20:54 pm »
Sorry I have no advice but I do have loadsa hugs yo send your way.


Send a couple to Lucy too.  Poor thing.  {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

Just a quick thought though.  If you do take the stuff with dairy (that she doesnt react to) out of her diet, wouldn't her diet be very restricted?

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Re: Milk Intolerance Confirmed =(
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 21:29:44 pm »

Oh poo-ey, poor Lucy :(

Ds does not have such a strong reaction, but he can't have milk products either, as they make him seriously constipated. If it's any consolation to you, I also had this when I was a baby but I outgrew it and have no problems now (am sitting here with some toffee ice-cream just to prove it to you ;)). Perhaps Lucy will do the same thing?

Just FYI, the substitutes we use are - rice milk (with added extra calcium) / soya yoghurt (tastes awful :P, but ds loves it) / some horrible cheese substitute that ds likes.

Is it the lactose in cow's milk that she can't take? I tried ds on goat's milk thinking this would help, but it turns out this also has lactose in it, and had the same effect ::). If I were you, I'd keep giving the things like the crackers if they don't seem to bother her. It's make her diet really limited if you didn't (not to mention your life very hard), and maybe she will be building up her tolerance that way.

BTW, if it has such a violent reaction, I'd call that an allergy
Caroline :)

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