I'm wondering how likely each type is. Can you vote for your LOs type(s) and ask your friends to come vote too? (You can vote a maximum of 10 times - so if you have more than one LO feel free to vote for all their types!)
And if there's a statistician out there I have a couple of questions...Tracy mentions that spirited LOs occur about 15% of the time (in BWSAYP). So, the chances of having 2 spirited LOs would be about 2%, right? (15% for the first one X 15% for the second one = 2..25%) If I already have one Spirited LO, my chance would still be 15% of having a second spirited LO, right? Or would it be 2%?
I sure love my spirited DD but she's a handful and a half!!! I don't think I could handle two! https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=52283.0 - get to know your baby quiz....
This is intended as a guide, not because your baby should be acting in a certain way.ANGELEATING: They're generally good eaters as babies; if given a chance, they're open to trying new (solid) foods.
ACTIVITES: Moderately active; they play independently from babyhood on. These babies have a high tolerance for change; they're very portable. They're also very social, like to interact, and are good at sharing, unless overwhelmed by another child's aggressiveness.
SLEEP: Go down easily and independently; sleep long stretches by six weeks. After four months will take a good two hour nap in the morning 11/2-hour nap in the afternoon, and until around eight months, a forty minute catnap in the early evening.
MOOD: Usually easygoing and upbeat and not extremely reactive to stimulation or change. Their moods are steady and predictable. Parents find them easy to read because their emotional signs are so apparent. Hence, hungry is not often mistaken for fatigue
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: Good as gold. Didn't even know I had a baby in the house. I could have 5 children like him. We were really lucky.
TEXTBOOKEATING: Very similar to Angel babies, although solid foods may have to be introduced more slowly.
ACTIVITES: Moderately active. Since they do everything on time, it easy to choose appropriate-level toys. Some are real doers; others hang back a bit.
SLEEP: They usually need the full twenty minutes-the typical time it takes a baby to drift from tiredness to settling into sleep. If particularly over stimulated, they may need a bit more calming from a prarent.
MOOD: Similar to Angel babies, they're low reactors-fairly unf1appable as long as someone pays attention to their signs of hunger, sleep, ovr stimulation and so on.
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: She's right on time with everything. She's mellow unless she needs something. A low maintenance child.
TOUCHYEATING: Tend to get easily frustrated, and anything can upset their desire to eat-flow, body position, conditions in the room. If breastfed, may have trouble latching on and difficulty getting a sucking rhythm. Will balk at any kind of change or if you talk too loud. Refuse solids at first you have to be persistent.
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ACTIVITES: Very cautious about new toys, new situations, new people, and need a lot of support in such instances, or when going through any kind of transition. They tend to have low activity levels, and need to be encouraged to participate. They're usually less sensitive in the morning and better at one-on-one play than groups. Avoid afternoon play dates.
SLEEP: Extremely important to swaddle and block out stimulation. If you miss their "sleep window", these babies get so overtired that it takes at least twice as long to get them to sleep. They tend to go back to sleep in midmorning h)r a long stretch and only catnap in the afternoon.
MOOD: They're sometimes cranky in the delivery room, where the bright lights seem to overwhelm them. They are highly irritable, very reactive to and easily upset by external stimulation.
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: A real crybaby. The slightest thing sets him off .He's not good with other people. He always ends up in my lap or clinging to my leg.
SPIRITEDEATING: Very similar to Angel baby in the eating department, but breast feeders can get impatient. If Mum's letdown is too slow, he'll bob off the breasts as if to say, "Hey, what gives?" Sometimes, you need to give a supplement with a bottle until the milk really gets flowing.
ACTIVITES : High energy, feisty and very active. They are ready to jump into almost any situation, and exercise little impulse control or caution when they do. They arc highly reactive and can he aggressive with peers. Because they're usually more cooperative in the morning, avoid afternoon playgroups SO they can wind down.
SLEEP: As babies, they hate being swaddled, but YOU absolutely need to block out any visual stimulation. They tend to be resistant to naps or nighttime rituals, because they don't want to miss anything. If you're lucky, even though they sleep less in the morning, it will be followed by long afternoon nap, which is key to a good night's sleep for these kids.
MOOD: When they want something, they want it now! Opinionated, very vocal, and often stubborn, their moods are mercurial, going quickly from happy' to sad and back again. They love the action but also tend to overdo it, which can lead to a meltdown. Tantrums are hard to stop once they get going. Transitions can be tough, too.
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: A handful. Always into something.1 don't have the energy to keep up with her. She's fearless.
GRUMPYEATING: They're very impatient. if breastfed, they don't like to wait for Mum's letdown; they sometimes do better if bottle fed. However, in both cases, feeds can take a long time, which tends to overtire them. They could adapt easily to solids and when they finally do, they tend to insist on the same foods over and over.
ACTIVITES: They're on the low end of the activity continuum, preferring to play by themselves and to use their eyes and ears more than their bodies. If they're engaged with a toy or an activity, they hate to he interrupted and find it hard to end one thing and start another.
SLEEP: Sleep doesn't come easily to these babies. They often get overtired because they're so resistant; and then they tend to fuss themselves to sleep. These children also tend to be catnappers, sleeping only in forty minute stretches, which sets oil a vicious cycle ~see pages 249-252). BWSAYP
MOOD: As we say in Yorkshire, these babies are often "on the Fuss. Like a simmering pot that you have to watch to make sure it doesn't boil over, you have to keep an eye on their emotional signs. The slightest variation from routine can set them off : a missed nap, stimulating activity, too much company. Without routine , their lives are in turmoil, and eventually they takeover your life.
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: What a sourpuss. He seems to prefer playing in his own. I feel like I am always waiting for the next meltdown. He always has to have his own way.
As taken from The Baby Whisperer Solves all your Problems by Tracey Hogg