Author Topic: Problem with breastmilk?  (Read 1236 times)

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Problem with breastmilk?
« on: July 01, 2006, 00:12:46 am »
Hi, my lo is 8.5 months old and has taken one 6 oz. bottle of formula (regular Enfamil Lipil) at bedtime for the past 4 months (breastfed for all other feedings). I recently began introducing 2 more formula bottles per day (mixing with expressed breast milk so I could transition her gradually). After a few days, she started having really soft, large poops (sorry, TMI) after every single feeding, including after her solids. She then started having diarrhea soon after I breastfed her (I still breastfeed when she wakes at night... usually just once and also for her first feeding in the morning). She quickly developed a terrible diaper rash that was so red and painful she screamed anytime I got her near her changing table. I took her to the doctor right away who suggested I breastfeed her for each feeding and then give her an alternative formula if she is still hungry (one of the reasons I decided to switch over to more formula is because my milk supply did not seem to be satisfying her as well as for convenience purposes). The doctor said I could try either a soy formula or Gentlease, which has only 1/4 the lactose of regular milk-based formula and partially broken down milk proteins. She said that my lo probably had some sensitivity to milk proteins and when I increased the amount of formula, this set everything off. My concern is that my lo really only has diarrhea after taking breastmilk, not after her solids or the new formula. Could there be some kind of problem with my milk? I haven't been sick and can't think of any reason why this would be the case. I do know that she has not been interested in breastfeeding during the day and would only feed for 5 minutes or so. She sure gulped down the formula bottles though, so I know she was hungry! If anybody has any suggestions I'd sure appreciate it! Thanks  :)

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Re: Problem with breastmilk?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 14:10:35 pm »
Actually, the problem with milk-based formulas is usually the proteins - not the lactose (which is a sugar). If you are going to switch to a formula, you may want to try Gentlease first but if still having problems you may need to try a hypoallergenic formula like Alimentum or Nutramigen. I'd stay away from the soy - many babies who have a problem with milk have one with soy too.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01