Hi there guys...
Hi Claire,
How's it been going with you and your LO? Good to talk to you! Well, we're not in a solid routine - just meaning there still is some variation in our day, but we had a few recent days that looked kind of like this...
5:30 awake
8:30-10:15 nap 1
1:30-3 nap 2
b/w 6 and 6:30 asleep
I'm still just kind of observing to see if he is going to fall into a pattern b/c yesterday DH took care of him, and Collin was just playing, and then he fell asleep on DH's shoulder - DH had no idea it was even happening!! It was really early - not time for a nap, and Collin NEVER falls asleep if there is something for him to look at or do. Very strange for him. Anyway, he slept 45 min on his shoulder, so he had to take another nap later. So he took 3 naps. And today he took really long naps... So we'll see.
Our holidays were AWFUL too. I drove 8 hours b/w Christmas and New Year's, and Collin did terribly! One night he woke screaming every hour. I may have already told you this... my brain cells are completely dead. Anyway, so glad things are better for the both of us! Overtired is a cuss word to me!!
Can you tell me how old your LO is? Is it possible she is going through a growth spurt? What do you think of giving her 4 or more feedings during the day? I thought maybe on the second night, she woke b/c she didn't get enough during the day... I actually do 5 feedings, tanking him up b/f bedtime. For example, bottle feedings might be 6, 10, 2, 4, 6. That seems to really help him make it through the night. Also, you can wean those night feedings. I might just give one feeding per night, even if she wakes (if possible). I'd make sure I'd tanked her up during the day for sure... And if she is less than 7 months, you can do a dream feed b/w 10 and 11 pm, rather than the extra feeding at 4. So anyway, I'd either do an extra feeding at 4 or a dream feed. Then if she wakes before 6, I'd only feed her once. The first night could be rough, but then she'd take the food the next day, rather than at night. Is she eating solids? So then the next day, I'd start weaning the night feeding by dropping 1-2 ounces each night. Then she'd take even more the next day. You can mix up a bottle with the same amount of water, but just less formula. That way she feels a little bit more full. Also, I try to track how much Collin eats during the day to make sure he has gotten enough before he goes to sleep. It also looks like the awake times are sometimes too long. She could be overtired. When babies get overtired, they sleep less. I read that their bodies start producing cortisol or adrenaline (I can't remember which), but it makes them go into hyper drive and they don't sleep well. Then you get into a vicous cycle. It seems like you might have that going on too. What do you think? You might also want to start a thread in Night Wakings to get some more advice.
Good talking with you guys!