Finally, a support group for all us "wake before dawn mums". James has most of the time, been an early waker. I count myself lucky if he wakes after 6am, although this is not very often.
We are usually awake between 5-5:50am - sometimes we can get him back to sleep tillafter 6, but not very often. I keep telling myself this is just him and since he has been alseep since around 7pm, with no night wakings most nights, I should feel okay about this. Dh gets up at 6 except on a Friday when he is up at 5. I have told him he is not allowed to have a shower on friday mornings because I swear James knows the sound of our bedroom door opening.
. we have polished floor boards and he knows every creaky floor board.
A child health nurse told me the other day (with rolling eyes
) that apparently 4:30am is socially acceptable.
I don't know in whose world this is acceptable, but it certainly is not in mine. I am having another one in February so I guess seeing the sun come up will be happening for awhile yet. We are on 1 nap here, usually going down around 11:30am for 1.5hrs. I have friends who say try and put him down later for his nap, but he just won't make it later without being extremely overtired.
Hope this forum continues. If anyone has any success please share.
Chat soon