Brooke, I hear you about bad sleeping for me. Last night for the first night in more than 6 weeks, I got a 7.5 hr stretch of sleep. Wow. Longer than the prev by about 2 hrs!!!!! And for me, yes, illness causing night wakings, but not early wakeups, we already had those.
When extending A times, I find what we are doign adn where makes a huge difference to how dd handles it. She can handle VERY long A times, without affecting nap length, if we are out. she likes much shorter a times at home, so if you are extending, try going for a short walk as you approach the end of A time. Having said that, she was more sensitive to overtiredness at that age, it is getting easier now.
My work schedule has changed and we no longer need to leave the house by 6am. So I am trying to move Zara from a 6-5night , to a 7/7:30 to 6/6:30. So far so good, I moved it in one foul swoop, because she had a day of 6 hrs naps!!! on sunday. Then last night xmas party, which helped me keep her up (too late 8:40
) but she is still in bed now at 6:10am. I went and put dummy in at 5:15 (but DH and I were preparing for work in the kitchen, so she probably heard us). She has stirred a few times since then, but no talking and no crying, so I think she is dozing on and off. YAY!!!! If I get away with this (we'll see
) I won't need to come here any more....but I will come , just to see how you all are doing!
To be honest though, I don't really mind if she is up at 5. But DH does not get to see her in the evening a few days per week, so I would like a later bedtime for his sake.