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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #345 on: January 05, 2007, 19:31:37 pm »
Hi everyone,

You are just the group of people that I've been looking for.  My son Logan is 9 month and has MSPI, lactose intolerace and oat intolerance.  We tried BF, Soy (3 brands), HA Formula (Nutramigen & Alimentum), Lactose Formula and now he's on Lactose-free 2% milk.  This current milk is the the first one that he will take without fighting so I really don't want to change milks again but he is still constipated.  Has anyone managed their LO's MSPI successfully without them being on a HA formula?  Our ped keeps pushing for us to switch but we tried between months 4 & 5 and he had the worse month ever because he just down right refused to drink it so I don't want to try again.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #346 on: January 05, 2007, 19:42:21 pm »
Hi Carla-

I know what you are going through.  We had tried everything with Abby and finely changed to Neocate at 4.5 months.  We have had great luck with it.  It is amino acid based and is pricey but we got our insurance to cover 80% of it.  It is well worth the cost though.  This is really the only thing that has worked for us.  But the Neocate can be constipating so she takes Lacutlose also. 

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #347 on: January 05, 2007, 20:41:42 pm »
Thanks for the reply.  It's so frustrating that we can't find a solution.  The constipation is our biggest problem which we have tried to solve with fruits and that didn't help.  He can't have Lactulose because the lactose in it makes him miserable.  I've read so much info about poop and such more so then I ever thought I'd want to know.

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #348 on: January 05, 2007, 21:28:36 pm »
What about Miralax?  My other two dd's are on this.  Constipation is a BIg problem in our house.

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #349 on: January 05, 2007, 22:35:16 pm »
The HA formulas are actually not good for MSPI babies, and most pediatrician's don't understand that, and also they are getting pushed by the formula companies to push them on you. Both the ones you mentioned still contain milk proteins, I don't care how the "break them down" but they are still in there. I am shocked that your baby can tolerate regular ol' cows milk, lactose-free or not, because that still has milk-protein too.

Is your ped doing any stool samples?
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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #350 on: January 06, 2007, 16:15:50 pm »
Hi, I am ready to wean my soon to be 12 month old son.  In the last 4 days I have introduced cow's milk to him, and so far things seem good.  I am wondering how long before I up how much I give him (currently he is getting 2 oz in the am).  Also, what other reactions can I look for, if there are any?  When he was 3 months old he had fussiness, sleep disturbances, and green mucousy poops ~ along with belly pain.  I am wondering what are other signs of an intolerance that he may still have it?  And anyone else do a milk trial, and can share some tips?  Thanks in advance.

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #351 on: January 07, 2007, 00:50:50 am »
Hi Beata3, my dd's allergist did a milk trial when she was 12 months and she had loose stool. Both he and her ped said to keep trying as it takes their systems a while to get used to any milk products because they have gone their entire lives without. I quickly gave up on the milk immediately once she had the very loose stools. I then tried a plain, high fat yogurt and she was fine with that, following the yogurt I tried her on cheese and she was fine. I tried the whole cow's milk every 7 days or so and she would get loose stool. Last week I tried 2% and she was fine with it so we have been on 2%. In one day she is now getting 7oz of 2% (4oz is in her cereal), 1 container of plain yogurt, and 1oz of cheese, she's also still bf 3x. When we were trying the milk I started with very small amounts, same with the yogurt and cheese. This week I plan to increase her milk to see what she can handle, btw, she is almost 14 months old. If he is showing no reaction I would probably up the amount to 4oz, then 6-8, and so on. Have you done any cheese or yogurt?
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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #352 on: January 07, 2007, 01:23:53 am »
Hi, thanks FTM :)  Yes, we have tried yogurt, and he seems to do fine with it.  We tried the yogurt for about 4 days, and he had no (visible) reactions.  We have not tried cheese.  The reason for that is that his pedi said that even if he does fine with yogurt and cheese does not mean that he will be able to tolerate milk.  And that if we try cheese, and if he has a reaction, it doesn't always mean that it would be the milk, but maybe something else in the cheese, whereas with milk we would know without a doubt ~ so, that made sense to me in the bigger picture (although I have read to start with yogurt and then cheese, and then milk).  but because I really want to get ready to wean, I followed his advice.  But, have decided to take it slow.  So far, he does not have loose stools (which I also read is the more common reaction, as well as fussiness)... actually he seems a little constipated the last few days. 

I really really really hope that he is able to tolerate the cow's milk.  I also have/am trying to introduce rice milk, but he is refusing it.  And he (as of right now) seems to take to the cow's milk.  When you first tried cow's milk ~ how much did you do, and for how long before seeing a reaction?  I know all kids are different, but I just want to get a gage of how "optimistic" I should see this  :)  We've been giving him the 2 oz for the last few days (about 3 or 4) so I don't want to get too excited, but...

Thanks for responding ~ greatly appreciated! :)

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #353 on: January 07, 2007, 03:37:41 am »
We went to the allergist to do what they call a "milk challenge" test. He gave dd 2 tbsps of milk at each hour, we were there for over 4 hours and nothing happened so he told us to give her a few ounces of milk each day and to build up. By the same evening she had 3 very loose stools so we stopped the milk for 3 days for her system to clear up and then we tried the yogurt. I think if he has had the milk for a few days with no reaction he should be fine, just keep it slow for now, add a few ounces every few days. In very young los with the actual milk protein allergy (vs intolerance) they usually have blood in their stools (my dd did from about age 6weeks) as their intestines get very irritated. 
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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #354 on: January 09, 2007, 02:50:37 am »
Beata3:  I give my 17 mo old Rice Milk.  The ONLY way I can get him to drink it is by adding Nezquick Strawberry powder to it.  It does add sugar,  but I have had both my Ped and his Nutrionist suggest that.

If you DO have to go to all Rice Milk, make SURE you are adding extra fat and protein into his diet. 

I add 2 oz. of Cocunut milk to 8 oz. of Rice milk and 1 tablespoon of brown rice protein powder and of course 1 tablespoon of strawberry nesquick.  He LOVES it and drinks about 3 to 4 cups a day.

Good Luck with it all.....

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #355 on: January 13, 2007, 20:36:13 pm »
We introduced cow's milk to my 12 month old son about 3 weeks ago.  We have been giving him small amounts, started with 1 oz and increasing it slowly.  He is at 3 oz now.  He developed this redness on his butt; it doesn't seem to bother him or hurt, as he does not react when being wiped or washed there.  I know that this may be a sign of an intolerance.  He has also been eating more fruit lately as finger fruits, along with the jarred baby foods.  As finger foods he has been given peaches, nectarines, pears, apples, cherries, and over the last several days he's had some split pea soup.  The redness has been increasing over the last week.  It does disappear a good amount as the day progresses, and it always appears worst in the morning when he wakes up. 

So, I am not sure if the redness is from maybe all the fruit he is eating or from the milk.  So, should I cut out the fruit (especially the peaches, nectarines) or should I cut out the milk?  He's had the redness on and off before we ever introduced dairy ~ so this isn't the 1st time we have encountered this.  And he is not showing any other reactions (such as fussiness, diarrhea, vomiting, mucous, etc.).  I don't want to cause him any discomfort, but because he is not showing any other signs I am wondering if I should continue with the cow's milk, but eliminate the fruits and see if things improve.  I can't imagine that if it was an intolerance to the milk, that at this point he wouldn't be showing other signs, but maybe I am wrong?!

Anyone else ever encounter the redness (like a ring) around the anus?  And have it be from too much fruit, or certain fruit?  (None of these fruits are new to him, he has gotten them in trials before and has done well)... so I wonder if it is just an overabundance of them?

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #356 on: January 14, 2007, 01:42:13 am »
If he's having loads of fruit it maybe from that, especially the peaches, nectarines, and cherries. I would cut back on the fruit first to see if it makes a difference, even just stick with pears, apples, bananas, see if it makes a difference after a few days before cutting the milk.
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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #357 on: January 15, 2007, 03:02:28 am »
A ring around the anus is a sign of an intolerance, BUT I would think he would be showing other signs as well.   I would not cut out the whole milk just yet. 

I agree with FTM, I would cut out the fruit and stick with the basic fruits.  A lot of times the acid in the fruits can make the butt red.

I really hope your lo can tolerate whole milk, sounds like he can so far!

Good Luck! Wendy
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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #358 on: January 20, 2007, 20:01:36 pm »
Hi,  was wondering if I could get some advice  ;)

MY DD is 3½ months and is MSPI. I had to work this out for myself as the docs just said she had colic and then after examining her on my insistance diagnosed fissures but never told me this is a sympton of a protein allergy!!

Anyway since going on an elimination diet when she was bout 2 months old I worked out the problem and told my HV and she suggested that I try and introduce milk back into my diet at 3 months. I decided this was way too early but was thinking about trying just before 6 months but I was wondering is it likely she will have grown out of it so young? I don't want to cause her any unnecessary discomfort. I am quite worried about being able to keep up the BF, I think I have a period on the way and feel like my milk supply is going down a little, I used to be able to pump 10-12oz a day but I am struggling to get 8oz at the mo'. I know this is still quite a lot but my DH feeds her in the evening whilst I work so I need to pump a minimum of 8oz a day. I have tried her on the Nutramigen and she screamed the house down! Please advise me, I'm feeling quite worried about it all at the moment. Thanks!

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Re: Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
« Reply #359 on: January 21, 2007, 17:07:14 pm »
My first doctor said the same thing to me, that my dd was colicy and that she had fissures. It was only after I changed to a ped who sent us to the hospital for testing that her milk allergy was even considered.

 I am surprised that they suggested trying milk at 3 months. Both my ped and allergist said to stay clear until at least 12 months as usually babies get over the allergy AFTER one year. If you're doing fine on the milk free diet I would stick with it. Milk supply would not be impacted by your reduction of milk products in your diet. When I first got my period back dd was 8 months old and she fussed to the point I thought I had nothing, I increased her feeds for a few days (to help with supply) and all was fine after that. Since 10-11 months I no longer notice a difference bfing during my period, she no longer fusses. I never pumped (got nothing out in the beginning so never bothered continuing) but 8 oz sounds fantastic to me! Not sure what time you work, but could you do cluster bfs before leaving for work? They adapt to bfs- I went back to work when dd was 13 months, we used to bf 7am, 11am, 7:15pm, now we bf 7am, 6pm, 7:15pm. 
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