Author Topic: Allergy to rice cereal or virus??  (Read 1488 times)

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Allergy to rice cereal or virus??
« on: July 16, 2006, 13:52:35 pm »
Hi!  I'm hoping someone can help me.  My son is 6 months old.  Last week, I started him on rice cereal mixed with expressed breast milk (his first solid food). This was on Sunday.  On Tuesday, I noticed skin colored bumps all over his forhead, like he was breaking out.  The next day, the bumps had extended to down around his nose, and on his feet.  By Friday, he had bumps all over the backs of his legs.  We went to the Dr (saw a Physicians Assistant), who at first said it looked like a heat rash, but then, when she saw the bumps on his feet, said it looked like a virus that is common in kids.  The only thing is, the virus usually comes with a fever and ulcers in the mouth (ds has neither).  I asked if it could actually be a reaction to the rice cereal, and she said no, but that I shouldn't introduce another new food till the rash clears up, so that I could tell if the new food caused any reaction.  Well, the rash is still spreading; he has only had the cereal (1 or 2 teaspoons each time) a total of 3 times this week.  (A week before this, I actually reintroduced nuts into my diet, since i had taken them out , along with dairy and soy, to see if it helped with lo's spitting up and night wakings.  His spitting up and wakings have not increased since I added back in the nuts, and he never got a rash when I ate them before..)  Not sure if this could be a factor or not???

So, I need advice.  I'm not sure if I should just stick with the rice cereal till the rash goes away (the Dr. said she didn't know how long it would last, and that it might come and go), or should I drop the rice cereal in case it actually is causing a reaction, and try another food (maybe another type of cereal???)  If I keep my lo on 1 food for a few weeks, is that OK?  My son definitely needs to be eating solids--I'm having trouble keeping him full on just milk (I exclusively breast feed).  Not sure where to go from here!


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Re: Allergy to rice cereal or virus??
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 14:08:54 pm »
I agree with Stacy - I would also stop the rice cereal and see if the rash clears up. If it does, wait 2 more days before trying it again. What brand of cereal was it?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Allergy to rice cereal or virus??
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 14:25:49 pm »
I'm in agreement with Stacey and Karen. 

Ds is allergice to Rice Cereal so we changed him to Oatmeal cereal and he has been fine.

He got a bit of excema from the Rice Cereal but not a large rash like your lo.  Poor Baby.

IMHO it sounds like a virus, but stop the rice cereal just to be safe.

Good Luck.

Offline JKL

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Re: Allergy to rice cereal or virus??
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2006, 17:07:31 pm »
Thanks guys!  I went ahead and stopped the rice cereal, so he's back to boring old breast milk :)  I feel bad, because i feel like he's not getting enough just from that, and I wanted to get us started down the road to solids, but I guess i have to make sure there is no reaction!  The cereal was Gerbers Organic, which does have soy lecithin in it, but I thought that, even if there is a soy intolerance (which I suspect but am not sure about), the lecithin is OK....??  Thanks again!
