Author Topic: Weaning going backwards!  (Read 2572 times)

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Weaning going backwards!
« on: July 16, 2006, 13:53:25 pm »
As a bit of background, we started DS with a little bit of baby rice at about 5.5 months, he became quite interested in that and would also eat pears and sweet potato. We weren't giving it to him regularly though, just as tastes. 2 weeks back we went on holiday to France, and he suddenly became really interested in the whole process,sitting in the highchair, grabbing the spoon and shoving it in his mouth, eating melon, banana, and butternut squash.

Now, he has completely gone off the whole thing. It was literally an overnight change. He had a bad weekend last weekend where we are really not sure if he was teething (no teeth yet anyway) or had a virus (no temp or ear infection according to the doc). Now, he turns his head away from the spoon, and if we keep trying gently, he cries.

We wait 30-45 mins after a bottle (he drinks about 31-34oz a day, on 4EASY, sleeps about 3 hours in the day and 10-11 at night).

Even if we sit him in the highchair or on our lap when he's totally happy, as soon as the food comes anywhere near him, or the spoon, he isn't happy! He will mush the food around on his hands but unlike everything else he picks up, he won't put it in his mouth!

He's 7 months this week. Should I just compltely stop for a week and then try again, or should we persevere?
If I stop, should we start from the complete beginning with just baby rice?

He has eaten a teeny bit of baby rice, some banana and some greek yoghurt (!) in the last few days, but nothing else, even the pear and sweet potato he used to like. I'm not worried about him not eating, given his milk intake, I just don't want to keep going if I'm going to put him off eating by doing so.

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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 01:56:13 am »
If you stop, you don't need to start at the beginning.  Just restart with the stuff he ate before.  When mine went on a solids strike, we gave her a short break and then she started eating everything in sight again. 
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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 09:10:49 am »
Even if by the time we start again, he won't have had those foods for a month?


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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2006, 09:18:37 am »
its quite common for LOs to go on a solids long as he is taking milk i wouldn't worry too much about stopping solids for a while. maybe offer him finger foods.even if he doesn't eat them still offer.
It could possibly be teething which can go on for ages  ::) and affect their appetite.
DD is cutting molars and its very hot here too and shes seems to have lost interest in solids but sleeping ok.

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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2006, 18:11:12 pm »
Thanks all. Its just I don't want us to get to 8 months or something silly and have barely started. He is hungry early for his 11am and 7pm bottles - which makes bathtime sometimes a screamfest like tonight, so I think he might need the extra food, but no chance of him taking any at the moment...


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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2006, 18:46:51 pm »
it not that uncommon for some LOs to not be interested in solids until nearer 12 mths..
i'm just wondering if its the change in enviroment since you've come back of holiday thats unsettling him at the mo.
IMO if it continues as he gets older you may have to look at the amts of milk he is getting.

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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2006, 19:02:15 pm »
It could be, although we've been back two weeks now. He was fine the first 3 days we were back, with solids, and then it suddenly changed. I think it might be teething, but he seems to get upset on days he's happy (there are days when he is a real grump which I assume is teeth) too...and no sign of teeth at all yet...

A friend told me once you get weaning established, then teething might not throw it so much...I'm just concerned at getting it established a bit late...


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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2006, 19:29:51 pm »
A friend told me once you get weaning established, then teething might not throw it so much...I'm just concerned at getting it established a bit late...
teething can really affect appetite!! i've had days when DD has eaten nothing (just milk).
what is your LOs routine? ie when are you offering the solids and how much. are you offering the solids at roughly the same time everyday?

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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2006, 19:39:28 pm »
We're on 4EASY, awake times are 3 hours

Awake time is mostly 6.20 - this morning was 7am so today was:

E 7-7.30am -( 6-7oz formula)
Offer solids around 30-45 mins later - baby oatmeal/baby cereal with leftover formula
S 10am - 10.45am
E 11am (7-8oz formula)
Offer solids around 30-45 mins later - 1 cube veggie, 1 cube fruit
S 1.30-3.30pm

E 3.30pm (7-8oz formula)
6.30-7pm bath, bottle (10oz), bed

Caspar is 18lb 1oz and has always been a big milk drinker.


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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2006, 19:53:24 pm »
WOW :o :o he LOVES his milk!!!!!!
what about offering him solids B4 his 11.00 you think he might just not be hungry after a large btl

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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2006, 19:58:02 pm »
I guess its worth a try. I might try that next week once he's had a chance to chill out. I'm having an operation at the end if this week too  :'( so won't be around to sort it out until the weekend.

He used to have 35-40oz in 24 hours, so he's at least calmed down on his intake a little!


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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2006, 20:03:32 pm »
good idea!!
hope your op goes well. must be stressful for you

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Re: Weaning going backwards!
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2006, 00:55:28 am »
Wiki - I could have written that post.   We have a 7 1/2 month old who is doing a lot of milk and used to LOVE her solids - now nothing really.    I thought it was reflux, started switching formulas instead of sitting tight.  She HAS 8 teeth and I DO think there is something happening.  When she cut her other ones - she did not want food at all.    I swear I read somewhere that they get tired of mush and want to feed themselves - was that in Tracy's book?   Igive DD a Zwieback and she is happy, she (I did it for her) popped some peas and she loved them...mush on a way!

