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Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« on: July 16, 2006, 20:22:36 pm »
This is an area people often need some help with so I thought I'd start a support thread for working mums who breastfeed.
You may be a champion pumper or perhaps someone who only breastfeeds a couple of times a day. Share your experiences and ask for advice here.

However please do feel free to start separate threads as always if you want a wider audience!

« Last Edit: July 29, 2006, 17:53:06 pm by Samuel's mum »
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Offline jbepko

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 01:52:06 am »
Wow my own sticky!!! He He!! I am currently nursing my second one and working full-time. My DD and I nursed for about 13 months- although I stopped pumping around 12 months. We made my goal of 12 months and no formula. But I had my problems of low supply and pump hatred! Luckily the second time around, the "pump addiction" didn't seem so bad. My DS has been alot easier since I was blessed with an oversupply issue. We are at 11 months and 1 week. I pump twice a day for his 2 bottles adn he is still nursed at home. I will stop pumping sometime this week or next week but plan to follow his lead on nursing for the time. I have battled mastitis with him (4 episodes!). As a full-time working mom- at least 10 hours of separation Monday-Friday, I certainly can relate to many working mom issues. I have turned to this website nearly daily for the last 11 1/2 months and that helps during the low-times, especially since time with my girlfriends is really rare now with 2 kids. I am pretty versed in different pumps, but am very partial to my PIS and Advanced PIS. I have played the rotation freezer stash game and am a pro at preparing EBM bottles for daycare!
My two cents on working - I currently have no choice, I have to work full-time- maybe next summer when my contract expires that will change. I have tried to adopt a new mind-set- instead of viewing work as something I have to do (like to make money, to pay the mortage, etc)....its something I do for me. I have an important job, I impact other people and their lives, and that makes a difference. So when DD asks why I have to work, I tell makes me a better person and that makes me better for you, Daddy, and your brother. I think it is important that she sees my career as important and if the day comes that I can take a hiatus, then hopefully she learn to respect the opprotunity to make her own choice.

Offline LyndaManus

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 17:28:55 pm »
You know, I thought that returning to work would be the hardest thing ever, but I do really enjoy it.  I think that it is tough to strike a balance between family and work, but once dh and I get in to a solid routine, I think our family will be better for it.  My sister stays home and I think that is great for her.  I definitely feel that I am happier working though.  It is a choice everyone has to make and there are definite pros and cons either way.  Thanks for starting the thread. 

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Offline mgillard

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2006, 00:10:47 am »
This must be karma. I just went back to work yesterday and am not hating it, but not exactly thrilled to be there, either. I thought it'd be easier the second time around (my son is 3 1/2), but it really isn't. I breastfed my son for 12 months, which was great. No problems w/feeding or pumping. But, he wasn't a real big eater. My 11 wk old dd is another story. Although I know it's a supply and demand thing, I am concerned about supply since she's eating more, though I don't think it's more than average. (5 oz EBM bottles today). Anyway, theoretically, I should be ok as long as I pump as many times as she eats, right? I really want to be able to continue for as long as possible. It's great for her and, quite frankly, not bad for me, either. While work is not a choice at this point, I really love my job and probably wouldn't quit even if I could, though right now I am yearning for more cuddle time. :)

Offline jbepko

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2006, 00:29:27 am »
Most moms find that pumping every three hours while at work does well for them. Another good time for pumping is in the morning and evening (before you go to sleep). It is all variable- depending on separation time, number of days working, appetite of LO, etc. You didn't mention how many bottles. But on average is one oz per hour of separation. There is also a calculator.
Good luck!

Offline LyndaManus

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2006, 12:11:57 pm »
I had the same issue with he pumping.  DS was taking 3 five ounce bottles a day.  I was worried about supply and spoke to two different lactation consultants.  I spoke to the one at my hospital and e-mailed the one available through the Medela website.  They both said that they were concerned that he was over-eating.  I know this is long, but below is what she e-mailed me.  I found it very useful.  We switched to a 4 hour EASY so I only need to pump twice a day and DS is still happy with 5 ounces.

Before babies weigh 10 pounds (4.5 Kilograms), approximately, and while
they are still in the early days, and especially if they are playing
catch-up with growth, they may take 2.5 ounces (75 mls of milk per pound
of body weight per day. After the first few weeks or so, after babies
are about 10 lbs., until they begin solids, they take about 570 to 900
mls a day (19 oz. to 30 oz.) according to the recent research by Dr.
Peter Hartmann. This amount does not increase or decrease much. Split
into 8 feedings, this is about 3-4 oz (90-120 mls) of milk per feeding.
Babies will often take more milk out of a bottle, but this is because
they are trying to satisfy needs for food and sucking, and because they
are sucking for comfort, and cannot help but consume milk while doing
so. As babies grow, after the first several months, their growth rate
slows a bit, and they have a more efficient metabolism, and this is why
they continue to need about 19-30 ounces or 570 ccs-900 mls milk per day
until they start solids, regardless of their weight. Some ways to slow
down the amount that the baby is consuming out of a bottle are to use
slow-flow nipples, pace the feedings (so that feedings take longer),
hold the bottle more horizontally, and use methods of comforting the
baby other than food. Examples are these are rocking and walking with
the baby, carrying the baby in a sling or other carrier, etc…Some
caregivers switch from feeding the baby with a bottle to a cup, as even
small babies can be cup fed when the mother cannot be there. Babies
often consume less milk from a cup.

A baby who is fed with bottles may over consume milk from a bottle. This
is a very common problem. This is because bottles flow at a constant
rate, and abnormally fast. Babies can drink ounces over what they need
because they love to suck, and cannot help but get a lot of milk when
they do. In contrast to bottles, the breast flows at an uneven rate.
Babies can suck as much as they want at the breast, and not be overfed,
because towards the end of the feeding, the milk comes out very slowly.
It is well-known that obesity is less of a risk in babies who are
breastfed, and this advantages continues at least into childhood and the
teen years. Some of this is the breast milk itself, but how the baby
receives the milk—by breast or by bottle, is thought to also be important.

Again, this was from the lactation consultant available through  I apologize for how long that is, but it is useful information.  The e-mail was actually a lot longer.  If you would like, I can forward it to you.  Hope that helps!
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Offline mgillard

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2006, 12:34:43 pm »
Thanks! That does help. I was pretty sure that 5 oz was a lot, and saw on the calculator on this website that it is the highest end of average for her amnt of feedings (7), but my DH insists that she could drink more. I did try to explain to him the gist of what you posted, namely that babies suck for comfort and it's relatively easier for her to get the milk from a bottle, but he still thinks she's hungry. I will definitely be sharing this with him today, though. I just don't want to pump more than necessary as it's not real comfortable at this moment. Not sure why, if it's the shields or what, but I'm having all kinds of pain that I haven't had since my LO was a newborn and we were working on latch problems. Plus, the whoosh whoosh of the pump is probably distracting to my coworkers! :)

On another note, any ideas about setting a wake up time for the LO? She currently wakes at  5:30 to eat and then doesn't get up again till well after 8 for her next feed at around 8:30. I leave for work at 7:40 and since I'd rather feed her than pump right when I get to work I'd like her to wake at around 7 to eat. I did try this, though only for a couple days. She didn't want to eat at 7, slept a tiny bit, and then was hungry at 9, though didn't eat a lot. Basically, our day was shot and she didn't take many good feeds thru the day. My question is, how do I limit her at 5:30, just go by time? She eats at about 6:30 or 7pm, then DF at 10, so I figure she is hungry at 5:30am. I certainly don't want to disrupt her nighttime sleep as she does great w/it, but I also want a more reliable (and comfortable, for me) morning routine. Thanks!!

Offline LyndaManus

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2006, 12:48:08 pm »
My DS is not sleeping as well through the night - so congrats at that.  He wakes once around 3:00 am and then I feed again at 6:15 before I go to work.  Is she just not hungry or do you have problems getting her to wake up for the feeding?  If she is not hungry, I might try waking her up at 4:30 for a feeding so more time has gone by.  This seems like it would go against getting him to sleep though the whole night, but that feeding right before work is really important to me and it starts his schedule off right for the day.  If she won't wake up, try changing her diaper (that always works for me). 

I would not recommend trying to cut out the 5:30 feeding if you are having concerns about your supply or pushing it out.  A book I read said that some moms have more issues with their supply if they don't feed for 7 or 8 hours straight and then try to adjust back to a 3 hour schedule.  You are already right at that mark.  You should probably leave the night/early morning feeding until you have her on a 4 or 5 hour schedule which might be a while :(
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Offline mgillard

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2006, 15:08:33 pm »
Right now I'm not even trying to wake her up. When I did, she got up but didn't want to eat and then was yawning 30 minutes later, which she almost never does so I know she was tired. She slept for about 45 min and then was up again. She seemed hungry so I tried to feed her at 9, but she didn't eat very much. After that they were 3 hrs apart, and were okay. I don't want her to just snack, but feeding before work is my goal. I think I'll let it go for a bit as she's not quite 3 months old, but as we get closer to 4 months I'll probably try to change as she starts spacing out feedings a bit more. I do pump at night after her DF, though I usually don't get a lot of milk. It just helps get through the night, and following morning, a little easier. My 1st didn't sleep thru the night till he was about 6 mo old, so I figure I have a few more months of interrupted sleep before I even think about trying to get her to sleep thru. Course, I probabably haven't had a truly uninterrupted night since before the 1st was born so I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself. :)

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2006, 23:39:10 pm »
My LO is now 4.5 mo and I've been working for 1.5mo. I do enjoy what I do, but I would so rather be at home with her. I actually find that I am a bit depressed by the end of the day and am seriously having the most difficult time.

I pump constantly at work. At first I was getting 9-10 oz at the first pump but now I'm only getting 5-6 oz. (significant decrease!). Although the post about the proper intake for a bottle feed was really helpful! I had no idea that she would be fine with that 5-6 oz. I've been pumping like crazy to stock up milk for her 8 oz bottles, which she'll down in seconds and seem to want more! I think I can actually breathe now!

A baby who is fed with bottles may over consume milk from a bottle.

Basically I'm just having a rather difficult time with all this "going back to work."  I really just want to be a stay at home mom, however, financially that is just not possible.

It really is a mindset though, I guess I just need to stay possitive and tell myself that working is a good thing.  Please tell me that it will get easier!
{mom to abigail 3.13.16, caleb 4.14.07, and anna noelle 12.04.13}

Offline mgillard

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2006, 02:20:44 am »
It gets easier! :) I don't know if it's ever really easy, though there are days that my 3 1/2 yr old makes me me want to run to work. I am finding that on top of feeling guilty for leaving my newest LO (12 wks old) I also feel guilty that I'm not really sad to leave my 3 1/2 yr old. He's in preschool and loves it and I am so thankful for that. However, as my DH pointed out when my son was acting out one afternoon, I race home from work to see the baby and don't spend any time w/the older one. I  guess cause she is new and so very dependent on me whereas my son is pretty self-sufficient. Well, as self-sufficient as a 3 1/2 yr old can be. Anyway, it does get easier over time. At least that's what we tell ourselves. I'm grateful to have a job I love, which also makes it not so terrible to go to work. Hang in there!!

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2006, 19:13:48 pm »
Thank-you. I'm sure I will be fine. It's just taking a bit longer to feel ok about leaving her than I had expected.  I'll just keep on pumping and working and driving an extra hour each day to bring her to the sitter...

But at least she is happy! She's got a great sitter!  So that makes it much easier for me! 
{mom to abigail 3.13.16, caleb 4.14.07, and anna noelle 12.04.13}

Offline jbepko

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2006, 17:11:01 pm »
Oh definitely does get easier! And I treasure my weekends so much more. I am the champ at eliminating things that don't need to be done....because I want to spend time with my LO's. I have heard of women pumping while commuting (yes, while actually driving) you might want to try it. I used one of those "hands-free" bras  while pumping at home/work and it was wonderful. So I guess you could set up your pump, hands-free bra, and plug into cigarette lighter and off you go!

Offline LyndaManus

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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2006, 17:24:05 pm »
I am in the same boat with a 1.5 hour drive to work.  It stinks, but I agree with jbepko.  Having to work so much really makes DH and I cherish every moment we get with DS.  Hopefully I won't always work as far away as I currently do, but until then I know I am doing what is best for both me and my family.  Hang in there!
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Re: Working moms/mums - come and share tips and support!
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2006, 18:42:53 pm »
It's so nice to hear your stories. My DS will be 4 mo on 15th and I return to work mainly for financial reasons on 28th. He has been on EASY since birth, is a spirited baby but has become more angelic since about 12 weeks. He now settles himself to sleep for naps and night time and will go from dream feed at 11 to 5 or 5.30am (originally it was df 11, wake 2 and 5, then df 11 wake 3 and 7). I live in Poland but am Irish and was home with son for first time for 3 weeks, just back now, and unfortunately got out of routine of pumping in morning for df, which I had been doing since DS was 2 weeks old, with DH giving df.
Now, DS is 7.4kg (birthweight 3.3kg!) and empties both breasts at each feeding. He is on 3.5 EASY now, more or less, and has made the transition himself.
I would like to stock about 5 or 6 feedings in the freezer but don't know how I will do it as he empties both breasts each time! Of course I will pump twice while in work but would love to have a stockpile for the rainy day!
Please advise me!
I am glad to go back to work, to wear normal clothes for the first time in ages, to travel alone and have a great nanny for Oscar so am not worried in that department either....

thanks once again for all the great posts!

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!