Author Topic: 2 questions - 9mo old feeds, daycare and weaning?  (Read 822 times)

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Offline aj's mom

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2 questions - 9mo old feeds, daycare and weaning?
« on: July 19, 2006, 16:34:42 pm »
This is a two part question.  First, I am returning to work in a few weeks and will leave DD, who will be 9.5 months in daycare.  I remember posting a while back about this and the response was that I didn't necessarily have to pump (which I can't bc I teach and have no time during the day nor a place to do it) and that DD would be fine with just a feed at 7am, 4pm and 7pm.  I just wanted to make sure that at her age 3 feeds would be enough. 

My second question is, that for the past few days, DD is not BFing nearly as much as she used to - she stays on for about 2 to 4 minutes per side, if that, and just would rather roll over and play with something else.  If I guide her back, she will latch on, suck once and come off again.  She started getting 'distracted' from BFing around 5 months and has always had issues BFing - when she was little she would kick, scream, etc.. as if she had reflux but didn't.  My boobs are never emptied after she finishes, and since I also feed her solids, I feed them to her after the BFing, and she eats plenty!  She can eat a whole banana or jar of food after BFing where she barely takes any. 
Is it normal for her at this age to only eat for a maximum of 4 - 5 minutes total per session?

So now, I am worried that if I take away the 11am BFing session bc she will be in daycare, she will not be getting enough BM as she really needs because she will only be feeding 3x a day and not for very long.  Btw, her bedtime BFing is usually the longest but now has gotten pretty short too.  I DO want to keep BFing until she is one year old... help!

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Re: 2 questions - 9mo old feeds, daycare and weaning?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 22:21:18 pm »
Quote (selected)
Is it normal for her at this age to only eat for a maximum of 4 - 5 minutes total per session

It's at the fast end of the spectrum but it is possible. We've had a few posts on this in the past.

Quote (selected)
My boobs are never emptied after she finishes

I guess I would ask what do you mean by this exactly? Boobs never in fact totally 'empty' and a trickle of milk can continue pretty much indefinitely as the milk is made during a feed. The important thing is do you feel she is swallowing for those few short minutes and you will probably be able to see/hear the change in her swallowing as she moves to the hindmilk. Does she seem satifisfied at the end of the feed or she is desperately waiting for that banana?

I think 3 feeds should be OK (it's not uncommon around 10 months) but if you unsure about how much she's taking I can see why you are nervous. I can totally appreciate the difficulties with pumping (I taught for 10 years too) but you could perhaps think about pumping once you're home (e.g 8-9pm ish) if you're really worried. It's really not long until you've made it to 12 months.
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Offline jbepko

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Re: 2 questions - 9mo old feeds, daycare and weaning?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 23:57:22 pm »
Have you tried nursing her in an area where it is completely boring (so NOTHING can distract her?)...that might increase her time nursing. My LO has been known to pop on/off at least 20 times b/c something more interersting was going on!

Offline aj's mom

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Re: 2 questions - 9mo old feeds, daycare and weaning?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2006, 00:51:36 am »
Yep, even tried in a near pitch black bathroom but she still sits up to look at the slightest little light coming in from under the door!  Even in the dark she can't sit still!

Today was a better day - she actually ate!  Yesterday I lost it and bawled twice bc she literally did not have more than about an ounce of milk all day!  I am just hoping we have more days like today when she actually takes some in!