Author Topic: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?  (Read 1815 times)

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Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« on: July 20, 2006, 14:43:55 pm »
I'm in the process of weaning my ds. I'm a teacher and had been pumping at work last year,  and I really don't want to have to do that in September. We've been giving him a bottle of formula occasionally to get him used to it, and it seems to be really upsetting his tummy. Lately he screams when we lie him down, which is not like him. I know that you're not supposed to give milk until they're a year old, but would it maybe be better to offer milk when he's 9-10 months than formula if it seems to be upsetting him?

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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 15:22:06 pm »
Depends on the child I think. In Canada they tell you 9 months. Some places say 12 months. This is a judgment call that is entirely yours, and maybe your doctor.

We started DD at 9 months due to her refusal to take Formula and her becomeing dehydrated. Its been wonderfull ever since. We're happy with our choice.

If there is no history of allergies, and she has no problems with other milk products, then you can start slowly introducing milk. Just make sure that it is whole milk not 2%, your LO needs the extra fatty acids for brain development. Although I would also suggest you talk to your doctor.


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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 15:43:56 pm »
I refused to give my kids cow's milk to drink until they were at least 2 years old. I even battled with my pediatrician over it. We have a family history of cow's milk allergy/intolerance. I didn't want to risk dealing with ear infections and such. It turns out I was right. Score one for the mother-gut!

We just had my 6yr old blood-tested for allergies. Sure enough, she showed a mild reaction to milk. Which, according to the ENT, means that she has antibodies to cow's milk in her system. I'm VERY thankful that I recently stopped allowing her to drink milk. I shudder to think of what her antibody level might have been if I'd been letting her drink milk every day.  :o

At the moment, I still allow her to have some dairy, like string cheese or sliced cheese, but nothing else. Most palatable yogurts have too much sugar in them or are artificially sweetened, so they're out, too. We'll soon phase out dairy altogether.
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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2006, 16:01:26 pm »
Your lo's reaction to formula sounds like possibly a lactose intolerance, have you tried soy formula? I would try this before giving cow's milk under 12 months. Some people that are lactose intolerant can not have milk but can eat yogurt and some cheeses (like myself). Not sure how old your ds is but have you ruled out gas? His discomfort may be caused but gas or even taking the formula too quickly/too much as they're not able to regulate flow like they can bfing.
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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2006, 04:04:44 am »
Also, with regard to milk allergies ... it might not be lactose intolerance per se but an intolerance to a specific protein found in cow's milk.
There is a distinction.  Here are a couple links that explain:

My pediatrician also said 9 months on the early side ... but when I gave ds a little milk or foods that contained milk at 13 months he broke out in an eczema-like rash ... so that told me immediately to avoid milk (but strangely enough yogurt was ok).  Today he is 3.5 and can tolerate milk well without any adverse reactions.  After he was weaned, he drank enriched soymilk and he has been ok.

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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2006, 04:15:19 am »
Some interesting dairy factoids (I love that word!):

I personally would think if LO is having trouble with formula, he may have even more trouble with milk.  There are so many different kinds of formula on the market to try if one is making his tummy hurt, perhaps another won't.  We use Similac Alimentum which is hypoallergenic.  I feel the ready to feed or concentrates are better then powders, simply because the powder always seems to not mix well without a whole lotta bubbles in it.  Bubbles are bad for my LO.

Anyhow, I hope this helps some.

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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2006, 04:25:46 am »
I think you should discuss it with your Dr/health professional.

That said....
My thought is if formula is upsetting him then milk will be even worse as the protiens have yet to be broken down & his digestive system won't be mature enough to handle it. My ds#1 was ok with formula, but when I tried cows milk at 12mo (less than 1 oz), he threw up every time, but 15months he was ok, but not in large amounts.
With ds#2, I tried him with a bit of formula at 11months (he is 14mo now & still bf) & he had awful nappies & unsettled... he only now tolerates yogurt & cheese

Also by 9-10months old 3 bf a day is sufficient & because of our routine (having a toddler) my ds#2 was having a wakeup bf (6.30/7am), a 3.30/4pm &  bedtime (7pm) feed, so you could manage to keep bf him without pumping & really if he tolerates yogurt & cheese, then you could probably get by on 2 feeds (morning & evening) by the time he is 10mo.
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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2006, 23:47:30 pm »
I know of one baby who had horrible reflux.  THey tried every formula then finally at 9 months decided if all she would do is spit it back at them why not try regular milk??   it is is cheaper ;)    And it worked her reflux totally disapeared.  May just be this baby but who knows may be worth a try.

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Re: Is cow's milk under 1 yr really so bad?
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2006, 16:55:42 pm »
I started my oldest at 10 months, since she went on a formula strike, and i plan on doing the same with my other dd.