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is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« on: July 21, 2006, 13:04:31 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Cole is FINALLY healthy.  All clear on ears, no runny nose or cough.  it was a long 10 or so weeks!  I think the reduced numbers at daycare have helped immensely.  I am worried he might be teething (still no molars or eyeteeth) but last night he went to sleep without tylenol and he had the same type of night.  He sleeps for about 4 or 5 hours( going to sleep assisted), wakes up and will fall back asleep in my arms quickly after a sip of water.  I've tried putting the sippy in his crib but he can't find it I guess or still wants me.  He can't stay asleep though, he'll wake back up 5 or 10 min later and on and on and on.  This is resulting in us on the couch each night so I can keep my sanity for work.  This is why I'm asking about the timing.

1) I know Tracy said not to do sleep training when their schedule is going to be disrupted.  Cole will be home for the next two weeks with MIL instead of going to daycare.  Would this throw him off do you think?  Then he's back for a week, then home with DH and I for a week.  I was hoping to start wi/wo knowing MIL will be here and can help in the mornings and evenings if I'm exhausted.  I also thoguht this might be good timing as daycare has been letting him nap earlier than I would like, and I can have MIL push his naps closer to noon or later, rather than 10:30 as they are now.  This may prevent the overtiredness I think he's experiencing now as he's often awake from at least 1-7:30.

2) He'll be moving to the toddler room in Sept. and the whole class naps 12:30-2:30.  Should I just wait until then, knowing he'll be getting a consistent later nap. 

3) At nearly 16 months, he must be getting his molars...but there is no evidence that i can see.  He does press my hands against his ears though as he's settling and has been for weeks.  He's had two ear infections in 10 weeks, but he was checked last thursday and got the all clear.


any words of advice ladies?  I'm nearing the end of my rope. I'm not enjoying my summer, exhausted at work, feeling angry with Cole.

should I try for 3 days and if I don't see improvement, hold off?

thanks for any words of advice or encouragement.

oh ya, his naps range from 1.5-2.5 hours (odd day 30 min, last friday a miracle 3 hours).  He's been going down well for daycare but fighting DH and I.  Last weekend he wouldn't sleep for me, but my SIL got him down in 10 min.  He knows I'm caving, I have to stop it!
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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2006, 15:37:22 pm »
Hi Traci!

I think it might actually be a good idea to start the wi/wo now - so that when he goes back to daycare in 2 weeks maybe his sleep is better? And you're right - it will be helpful to have MIL there to share the burden!

Also, were you ever able to look into the food allergy/milk allergy issue? Based on what you've posted about Cole now and in the past, it really does sound like a food problem could be part of his sleep issues...In addition to a milk possiblity, tons of kids are gluten intolerant (without necessarily having celiac).

Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2006, 16:02:36 pm »
Hey karen-I HAVEN'T looked into the allergy issue yet.  It slipped my mind ::) :'(

I need to take Cole for shots during vacation, so I will inquire with my ped then.  I heard that they don't do allergy testing here until 2 years of age ( or maybe even 3).  He has never been a great sleeper, so if allergy may be an issue, i would think it would be more towards dairy, given that he was BF til 11 months.  I wonder though whether me eating gluten could have affected him before solids also? hmmm, certainly couldn't hurt to inquire.

thanks as always for your input.  I may be in for a long and tiring weekend!

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2006, 16:29:18 pm »
Just be warned that most Peds aren't up on allergy/intolerance issues. Best way is just to do trial and error - cut either dairy or gluten out of his diet for 2 weeks and see if there are any changes - if not add back in and try the other!

Good luck...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01


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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 02:27:04 am »
if you think he is feeling better, then i personally would jump at the chance to have MIL help.  if it were me, i'd try to get it sorted before he starts the daycare where the nap is 12:30-2:30.  you could ease him into that routine at home. 

when did he start 1 nap a day?  i know for us, it took 3+ months to get into a good nap (2 hours or so).  at first her naps were like 45 mins!!!  :o  definitely NOT enough...for either of us!!!  we also had major night waking issues for a couple of months, which are totally unusual for gianna.

btw, dairy was a MAJOR issue for us.  i sorted it out when dd was 10 months or so, but just to let you know, cutting out dairy helped us.  she is still off dairy...(and so are dh and i after all the research i did!)

also, cute avatar of cole!  don't think i've seen it around lately... :D

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 13:53:42 pm »
Personally I would wait until his naps are a bit sorted out ie--where you can push them back until 12 or so because 1)you may find that if you can get rid of the overtiredness at bedtime this may actually address some of the root cause of the night waking and 2)he may be better rested which always makes any kind of "sleep training" easier.  IMHO I think the goal right now is to keep him from getting too far down a super overtired spiral from being put to nap at daycare at a time that isn't right for a child who is only taking one nap a day.

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 14:23:10 pm »
Gigismom-what indication did you see that dairy was a major issue?  Cole certainly has some symptoms that I've seen listed on the web re: lactose intolerance (loose BM, ear infections) but none of those started until daycare at 13 months...and he was having milk since 9 months, all three feeds once weaned at 11.  I would think that if dairy was an issue it would have cropped up sooner?  I am still on the fence, still researching.  you haven't seen the avatar because i haven't been around much! I love yours too, what a little princess!  as for our 1 nap...he's never seemed to need a lot of sleep, but i think he just has very subtle cues.  I can't remember when I started transitioning.  he's been back and forth for a while especially 'cause he was ill for about 10 weeks when starting daycare (not gravely ill, just cold etc and feeling run down)  so it's been a long haul.  MIL is definitely helping as his nap hasn't been earlier than 11:30 this week.  weird though, tues/wed he woke same time, nap tues was 1.5 hrs ending at 1:00, wed was 1.25 hours ending at 1:15.  tues wouldn't go to sleep until 8:15 (14 hours after waking)...but last night he was fussy and crying and conked out at 7:30, nearly a full hour before I expected him too (according to 14 hours after waking). he's been particularly fussy too, so i'm thinking his molars might finally be making their way in!  trying to feel, and i think i feel bumps, but not sure if that's because i WANT to feel them, to have a reason for all this craziness!

imsmum...thanks for your input too.  i just don't know anymore.  some nights he goes down okay, others he fights.  I've tried waiting for sleepy cues but i often think he's overtired and therefore beyond sleepy cues, kwim?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, it's enough to drive a BW mommy insane.  why can't i just let him stay up til 11pm like so many moms in my office do :o  (kidding!)
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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2006, 14:42:45 pm »
maybe it's not an issue with dairy then according to what you are saying.  i agree wtih you that it would have cropped up earlier too.  it must be a daycare thing.    for us, the major signs were diarrhea, HORRIBLE face and bottom rashes, general crankiness.

he does sound like he is overtired.  is it possible that he is just getting way overstimulated at daycare with all the action and other kids?  i don't really know how you could fix that if that is the case, but maybe a possibility?

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2006, 15:50:19 pm »
Actually, dairy issues don't always pop up right away. The proteins can take time to build up in our little one's systems before causing problems. True allergies pop up right away. Intolerances can take much longer...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2006, 18:25:45 pm »
Thanks Karen-I had a feeling that may be the case.  Going grocery shopping this weekend for rice milk etc.  It takes a bit of planning to eliminate dairy in a child that LOVES his milk and cheese!
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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2006, 18:54:29 pm »
Try "Lactaid" milk.  That is what DH, DS and I drink. :)

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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2006, 19:06:23 pm »
The only problem with Lactaid milk is that most babies don't have a lactose intolerance (they doesn't usually develop until later in life) but an intolerance to the proteins in the milk. So in that case, the baby would still react to Lactaid.

Traci - it's definitely very hard. You can try soy milk - some dairy intolerant babies react to soy too - but about half don't. And they make soy cheese too. It certainly does take a lot of planning but it's all worth it if it helps in the end!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01


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Re: is this a bad time to start WI/WO
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2006, 21:09:14 pm »
traci-gianna drinks rice and soy milk.  for a long time, she ate goat's milk yogurt and no cheese at all because she couldn't tolerate it.  however, now she can tolerate small amounts of regular yogurt and cheese.  you may not have to cut out all dairy for him to have improvement.  good luck.