Thanks to both of you! I have been soul searching and have come to realize a few things. Yes, I have a very smart, stubborn, persistent child. That being said, my only consistency has been tons of inconsistency. If I deviate 1 night, 1 time, then all is lost. 2 days ago I restarted gradual removal to try to get out of the room at least. Since I know he totally gets it (gradual removal, that is), I am already in the hallway. I plan to try to move farther down the hallway each night so he doesn't get stuck on me being in a certain spot (he seems to cling to that - "No MOM, you need to sit THERE, with THAT pillow," etc.) I bought a white noise machine for Ian's room, and so far, he hasn't woken up after the nearly 2 hours of hysterical crying that has ensued. Last night, he was up 2 times in the night, (11pm and 4:30am) looking for " a friend to come sleep with me." It's so ridiculous! We have never stayed in his room while he went to sleep until the past couple months when all this crap started.
I worry that part of what brought it on was marriage trouble daddy and I were having at the time - that is when he wanted someone to sleep with him and because of what was happening with DH and I, I did it. Perhaps what started the whole thing initially was being pregnant with Ian. Who knows?!
I like the concept of Listen or Lose. I have started using that by day. We do OK with discipline by day. He is very active and gets in trouble often, but warnings, time outs, toy time outs seem to work. My husband is pretty much gone 7am-10pm most days so it's all (breakfast, lunch, nap, dinner, bath, bed) up to me alone. The kids don't really know anything different, so I don't think that is the cause.
I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the support. Just venting makes me feel a bit better already.