Thanks everyone.
Florencia - answer in more detail to your post!
15 month old Isla has never been a good sleeper - I am an expert in pu/pud, wi/wo, nap extending, habitual waking solving, bedtime routines, EASY, and almost every sleep strategy there is, including some non-baby whisperer ones! The first piece of accidental parenting was a boob prop error, which I had to correct at 4 months. It took 3 days for naps and bedtimes too, and I solved the problem - Isla was able to go to sleep on her own.
But ever since then, and I wish I'd kept a diary of it all, but Isla has always had night wakings. So much so that it has always been hard to tell whether the reason might be hunger, thirst, too hot, too cold, wet, in pain, teething, tummy ache, noise, light etc etc. And when it's hard to tell what the problem is, inevitably more AC occurs! Some habitual wakings I successfully dealt with. But then something else would kick in!
She is getting better, but of course we're in the realm of molars coming through now, which I know don't always come through within 3 days of teething signs, so I'm partly just accepting that we might continue with the disturbed nights for a while now till they're through. However, we seem to have fallen into the 5.30 wakings, just as she seems to be settling down.
Her routine now is:
5.30 - wake-up (happy and chatty, usually shouting Daddy!)
6am - breakfast
9am - milk and possibly more breakfast (she has first meal with her father in the mornings before he goes to work, then enjoys eating cereal with me practising using a spoon)
10.30/12 - (depending on morning's activities or how long I can keep her going!) Nap
This is ideally 2 hours, but we've had some 1.5 hour lapses over the last 2 weeks.
Mid afternoon - milk and snack
5.30 - tea
6 - bath
6.30 - milk and storytime
7 - bedtime
I should point out a few things:
- We have had some very hot weather here in the UK (in case you're in the US) and a lot of very hot cross babies! Some nights her room has probably been over 30 degrees
- I had to move Isla onto 1 nap because we had some major regression with all her sleeping a couple of months ago - she completely forgot how to go to sleep and was screaming at every sleep, including bedtime and naps. She was also cutting into night sleep with two big naps, so I spent a (tough) 6 weeks moving her onto one, which has helped get her back on track for going to bed properly.
- I have taken her to see a cranial osteopath recently, which seems to be helping, but no magic cure yet!
- I am 35 weeks pregnant
- She is learning lots of new words - she is even talking in her sleep!
Any advice or things which jump out at you? I am trying really hard to get her sleeping established before Baby #2 comes along in 5 weeks!
x x x
Catherine and Isla