I'm going Cold Turkey today - you all inspired me after a week of offering a bit of EBM before nursing, the LO was smart enough to know that the breast was coming so didn't feel he needed to bother with the bottle. So I set today aside as the Day, and started with EBM for the first bottle, half EBM and half formula for the second, and straight formula for the third. I want to keep nursing, but I want to give him one bottle of formula per day, probably at the DF. So I've been pumping and dumping, and offering only the bottle all day.
Just a question - LO took the bottle no problem on the 4th feed, but barely drank 2oz and then was done. This is what he used to do a couple of months ago when I was trying to give the bottle, and partly why I stopped - he just would never drink very much and it wouldn't last him very long. Has this happened to anyone else? Will he eventually take more in one sitting? I'm using slow-flow nipples - he seems to gulp too much air with the fast-flow. Any advice?