Author Topic: What do you actually DO in the day?  (Read 8526 times)

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What do you actually DO in the day?
« on: July 31, 2006, 23:50:59 pm »
You know the 'What did your toddler eat today' thread? Well, I'd love one for Activities, as I think I'm struggling, but then again, I'm not sure.

Ds is 15 months, and we do things like reading, playing with his toys, and he loves playing football in the garden. We sometimes go out, but it's usually only to the shops, which can't be very interesting for him. Oh, he likes going on the swings.

Anyone got any ideas? I worry that I'm not 'stimulating' his brain development enough, just b/c I can't think of things to do with him :(

Caroline :)

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 23:58:30 pm »
I'm sure you're stimulating his brain development enough, but I know it's easy to feel like you're not doing enough, especially when you are starting to get bored with the daily activities.

How about walking to different parks to try out different playgrounds or to go for picnics. You could listen to music and dance. I find that if I mix up the activities I do in the backyard with ds it keeps both of us from getting bored. In the backyard you could blow bubbles, write with sidewalk chalk, run through the sprinkler, etc. How about some arts and crafts activities such as colouring, painting, sponge painting, play doh, gluing foam shapes onto paper, etc? Ds loves art...his favourite 'project' these days is sticking stickers onto construction paper (not very creative, but he loves it and it keeps him busy).


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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 00:50:28 am »
We do the same types of things as already listed....just a walk down the sidewalk can provide TONS of entertaining things to see and explore, if you look at it from a toddler's point of view! ;)

We sit in the grass and touch it - look at ants, worms, etc  ;D  We go to the park so that he can get some interaction with other kids, although at this stage it's more about "MINE!".

When we're inside, we have a tent we set up (you could make your own with sheets!) and we play restaurant, or hide and seek.

We color with washable crayons or markers.  We build blocks, and while building them we name the colors. 

We play with cars and trains ALOT.  We also do sports activities....we have a mini basketball hoop and we shoot the ball, we play soccer, T-ball, etc...mostly in teh house, but when it's nice enough to be outside we take our sports with us!

I did something last winter, when I was getting kind of stir crazy and knew ds was too...I filled his baby pool up wiht rice in the kitchen and stuck him in there to play!!  He had a BLAST!!!  You could use packing peanuts, rice, puff popcorn, anything really!!!  He played for almost an hour, and to have his attention on one thing for that long was AWESOME!!!  I gave him cups and bowls to scoop. 

Another thing, when you're outside, tell him about everything you see..."oohhh, pretty flowers!!!  Would you like to smell the flower? It's a pink flower!  Doesn't that feel nice?".  Same for trees, grass, whatever!!  It really got ds interested in those types of things, and now he will point out pretty flowers for mommy!! ;D
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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 08:41:48 am »
Hello Caroline - great idea for a thread.

I am also at a loss as what to do and I feel it is a fine line between letting Mia chill out and letting her get bored or giving lots to do and then overstimulating her.  I don;t want her to be the type of child who is only happy when she is doing a structured activity.  I love it when I see her flicking through her books, then giving her teddies a cuddle, then having a crawl round - just amusing herself.

She goes to nursery one full day and two half days a week and on top of that we go swimming once or twice a week and I always try and get her out in her buggy for some fresh air.

My main problem is with toys.......I find they are very expensive and she's bored with them as soon as she's mastered them.  Does anyone have any good ideas for cheap - or even no cost - toys?  I've done the fill an old handbag up with child safe tat but would love to hear some more moms ideas.
Louise -  Mom to Mia Alison born 19.08.05 
Our beautiful english rose and textbook/spirited baby.
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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 08:57:56 am »
Great topic.

Ben is 18 months and whilst he is very good at entertaining himself and playing with dd I do feel like between the housework, cooking, laundry and BW ( :-[) that he is somewhat neglected.  If he weren't such and angel baby he would probably get more of my time.

I would love some new ideas.

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2006, 09:02:34 am »
What?? Caroline?? you mean you're not even taking him to the pub for a game of darts or pool?? ;)

pots & pans on the lawn are a good idea, especially now in the good weather. you can fill some up with water.

a watering can is also pretty good - my DD seems to have endless fun with that

I always found that outdoor trips, whether they be at the shops or at the park or with friends always took up lots of time and entertains the young ones, especially if there is at least a half-hour car trip involved there and back.

Good luck :-*

N.B. One very good hint I got from my sister was to allow the children to get bored - don't 'feel' that you need to entertain them constantly otherwise they'll always depend on your input. Of course 15mths is still pretty young, but I always tried to start off a game with DD and then observe and sometimes disappear for a little while too

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2006, 09:15:03 am »
Mine are older than yours but anyway here goes:

they LOVE cleaning - fill a bowl with washing up water, give them scourers and mops and they'll clean their toys, the patio, the garden furniture, anything!!
we try and eat outside as much as poss at the moment - have a picnic rug, pack sandwiches and it can turn into a great adventure in your back garden
digging in sand and dirt
looking for ants/snails/worms

Places to go
Garden Centres are fantastic places for young kids - they've got animals, water features, plants, books and usually a restaurant - and they're free! We go loads and they never get bored of it!
Leisure Centres often have great activities laid on - go and check it out. Mine has a great indoor play session every week with a giant bouncy castle, races, singing and games and loads of free play - good place to make friends too
Supermarkets are fascinating for kids - my eldest went through a phase when she was probably just a bit older than Charlie of begging to go!!!! And it's so educational - her knowledge of veg is second to none!

Our days are usually filled with an activity/outing either morning or afternoon and then playing at home/outside during the other half - now mine are that bit older I'd have them climbing the walls if they didn't get out and do something every day

Ella Rose 07/09/02
Jack Rowan 15/03/04
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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2006, 15:33:40 pm »
At Christmas and Easter and Birthdays we always make our own cards.  Nathan is so proud (even now) when he gives a home made card.
Cooking is also a favourite and they had so many easter eggs this year that I melted down the chocolate and made cornflake cakes and we handed them to all the kids in the street (I was not popular as all the mums were already moaning about all the junk they had got for Easter and then I added to it but at least mine didn't mind sharing theirs)
Cooking is a great way to learn about numbers, colours etc and also can encourage healthy eating, they are more likely to eat something if they have had an input in the creation and who knows, maybe you will help to create a Master chef and they will repay you in the future by cooking you a fantastic meal.
I do agree though that the great outdoors is the place for stimulation, there is so much to see when you go for a walk and I often do this in anticipation of tiring them out ready for a restful night.  (some hope!!)

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2006, 20:44:48 pm »
I'm going to keep an eye on this thread because I have days too where I feel like I haven't done anything with DD or that she's just been bored all day.  I feel like a terrible mother some days.  :(
Rach xx

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2006, 21:07:28 pm »
{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} Rach - repeat after me "I am not a terrible mother, I am not a terrible mother". Tbh, I think you've got enough on your plate at the moment, don't you? Charlotte seems like such a happy little soul, and as my mother says "a bit of boredom is good for the soul".

Thanks for all the great replies! Keep them coming - they're great :)
Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2006, 21:07:48 pm »
Caroline, THANKYOU :-* I get so worried to that Shay is getting bored so this will be a life saver. I'm going to start doing some of these things. Do you find that you forget they have got older and can now do more things or is it just me?

Faye :-*
Ziggy Sleep well xxx

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2006, 21:19:14 pm »
Nathan went to the museum with his Grandma today and I thought 'I bet he will be bored' but no, he had a fantastic time, they had treasure hunts and competitions and they were there for 5 hours.  They are usually free and they do all sorts over the holidays.  Might check out another one close by for the older kids myself.


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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2006, 21:22:44 pm »
DD is now 16mths and I can see the line blurring between her and DS who is 3 & 3mths - they do a lot of the same things (just different skill levels... ;)). DD doesn't walk, but she does fine with all these things anyway.

- Throw/roll the ball
- A big potplant pot (without the plant since mummy forgot to water it) with dirt out on the patio - they transfer the dirt into smaller pots, make a mess and I sweep it up every day.
- Water play - a large tub of water with some toys out on the deck
- Playground - swings and slides are a hit at the moment
- Walking with the trolley - transferring toys in and out
- Shape type toys - we talk about the shapes and colours
- Stacking rings - same thing, we talk about colours and she's figuring out which order they all go in
- Stacking blocks
- Train track
- I hang up the washing and name who's items are who's and what they are and the colours
- Ditto with the dishwasher
- She will flip through her books on her own for a good 1/2 hr at a time
- Loves me reading books to her
- All the couch cushions on the floor, made into huts, blankets over the top - I make a ramp and she'll go up and down, up and down...
- Posting pegs through the fireguard (while I name them - I'm usually hanging washing up on drying racks infront of the fire) - I then get them all out again and she does it again...

I must admit though, for the majority of the day she's happy to potter around doing most of those things on her own and I just talk to her or name things that she's doing etc, if I see her pick up her shape toy, then I will sit with her, if she brings me a book I stop what I'm doing and read to her. Most days we go out for playdates or to the park or the shops - they're all entertainment. You don't need to feel that everything that happens that you need to be teaching things - they pick up a lot on their own.

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2006, 10:04:07 am »
Great idea for a post as we are also running out of ideas to do things with DD getting older.
She is getting a little bored with her toys and their are some great ideas here. It make it so hard with it being winter and it is often windy where we life and i hate going out in the wind. I am hoping she will get some great new toys for her birthday.

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

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Re: What do you actually DO in the day?
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2006, 12:57:21 pm »
There is a little stream that runs past a playpark where we live and DS had a happy half hour throwing pebbles in the water. He also loves the beach, especially if they have rockpools and I bring a small ball.

He loves being outside and when we come back from nursery I let him go freerange wherever he wants (mind you, we live in a cul-de-sac with grounds around the corner), often dragging a brush behind him and with the family cat in tow (the neighbours are used to the sight  :))

We also do some gardening and potter with compost and a watering can. I've hung mobiles and shells on the garden walls for him and he has a collection of shells and smooth stones for playing in the water with

The best toys and games are those that we all make up. DH picked up a card board box, cut holes for eyes and mouth and now it's a mask. We play toddler basket ball with balls and a bucket

He also loves physical play, particularly bouncing on the bed or pouncing on Daddy

I remember that there is a whole list of activities for 1-2 YOs and 2-3 YOs on this board that's excellent but I haven't got the time to try and locate it now