DD is now 16mths and I can see the line blurring between her and DS who is 3 & 3mths - they do a lot of the same things (just different skill levels...

). DD doesn't walk, but she does fine with all these things anyway.
- Throw/roll the ball
- A big potplant pot (without the plant since mummy forgot to water it) with dirt out on the patio - they transfer the dirt into smaller pots, make a mess and I sweep it up every day.
- Water play - a large tub of water with some toys out on the deck
- Playground - swings and slides are a hit at the moment
- Walking with the trolley - transferring toys in and out
- Shape type toys - we talk about the shapes and colours
- Stacking rings - same thing, we talk about colours and she's figuring out which order they all go in
- Stacking blocks
- Train track
- I hang up the washing and name who's items are who's and what they are and the colours
- Ditto with the dishwasher
- She will flip through her books on her own for a good 1/2 hr at a time
- Loves me reading books to her
- All the couch cushions on the floor, made into huts, blankets over the top - I make a ramp and she'll go up and down, up and down...
- Posting pegs through the fireguard (while I name them - I'm usually hanging washing up on drying racks infront of the fire) - I then get them all out again and she does it again...
I must admit though, for the majority of the day she's happy to potter around doing most of those things on her own and I just talk to her or name things that she's doing etc, if I see her pick up her shape toy, then I will sit with her, if she brings me a book I stop what I'm doing and read to her. Most days we go out for playdates or to the park or the shops - they're all entertainment. You don't need to feel that everything that happens that you need to be teaching things - they pick up a lot on their own.