Hi Mill, Just a thought, did you tried to wear your LO in a sling. When mine was smaller I worn him and he was more contend and calmer. Ad says you can do some homework while wearing your child. Didn't work for me, maybe sling wasn't properly adjusted, don't know, but I was wearing him for hours, took him for a walk even shopping sometimes and he slept beautifully in it. Now unfortunately my back is weak and I can't wear him for long. What good about a sling is that you can put awake baby in there, and when he is in a deep sleep put him down in his cop in a sling (don't try to take him out of there). This is just a thought, as I said.
Was he crying for 45 min or you tried to put him to sleep? Mine usually scream 5, 10 min max and fall in asleep. I'm trying to "read" his cue but it seems I'm missing the window all the time. And we end up with a crying baby. I want to buy "No-Cry Sleep Solution" book and see what it has to say. Some advices are in "Baby Book" by Sear, some of them are rather extreme though.
Good luck to both of us.