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Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« on: August 15, 2006, 09:17:56 am »
hi please can you help

I am really trying to get my 5 week old baby onto a 3 hour plan but I am having problems.

she is 6 weeks on wed but was 3 weeks early.

lowest weight 6.14

she is breastfed and now weighs 8.05.

she did sleep 5/6 hours at night for 3 nights but will only sleep 3/4 now.

she is sick a lot may have reflux, and is difficult to get to sleep.

This is this morning so far,

8am eat

8.40- 9. 10 am play


tried to get her to sleep but would not go

9.30 eat

after shh and pat

10am sleep

now my main question is, do I now woke her at 11am when she is due her feed or let her sleep longer??????????

please help asap

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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 14:09:30 pm »

First of all {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, these first few weeks trying to figure things out are hard.

I would recommend you try EASY by the Pound for now to help her get into sync. For your baby who is 8 lbs your routine should look like this

E : 25 - 35 mins
A : 20 - 45 mins
S : 1.5 - 2 hours

I think since your dd was 3 weeks early, low weight and has relfux it may be a good idea to let her sleep a little right now.  Just make sure she doesn't sleep too much that it will disrrupt her routine.  One main thing to remember about EASY is that it's not a unbreakable schedule. It's a routine to get her used to.  Babies have so much happening on the inside that strucutring their outside world helps them to be calm and feel safe.

Let me know how the rest of her day goes, ok?  I'll be around most of the day. And take advantege of this time that she's napping to put your feet up and take a breather.

- Beca  :-*
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 15:49:29 pm »

Thankk you for your reply, I need all the support I can get today.

I have no chance to rest I have 2 more children 6 & 2

follow on of day

10am sleep in cot 40mins

11am eat

11.40 A

12.20 SLEEP in car seat (2 hours 10 mins)

2.30 pm eat

3pm a

3.40 eat

tried to get her to sleep in cot could not

4.20 eat

4.25 sleep (in cot less than 10 mins, 2 year old woke her up!!!!!!!!!!!)

now trying to get her to sleep in chair




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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 15:50:42 pm »

Thannk you for your reply, I need all the support I can get today.

baby was 7.8 born but lost a lot of weight

I have no chance to rest I have 2 more children 6 & 2

follow on of day

10am sleep in cot 40mins

11am eat

11.40 A

12.20 SLEEP in car seat (2 hours 10 mins)

2.30 pm eat

3pm a

3.40 eat

tried to get her to sleep in cot could not

4.20 eat

4.25 sleep (in cot less than 10 mins, 2 year old woke her up!!!!!!!!!!!)

now trying to get her to sleep in chair crying again like mad



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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 18:39:48 pm »
Considering her brother or sister woke her up, she's now overtired, but before that she seems to be having a fairly good day.  Is she on meds for reflux?  I think bedtime needs to be a little earlier for her since her pm nap was shot. Is there anyway you can have the other 2 kids do a quiet activity in the om during her nap, so she can have some quiet and so can you?  ;)

But after seeing her routine she looks like she doing pretty well.  ;D
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 20:31:15 pm »
thank you for your help today.

evening was very difficult, baby wanted to feed all the time and I could not get her to sleep again.

finanally got her to sleep in cot at 9pm.

baby is not on meds for reflux but I am seeing her doctor on Thurday

thanks again


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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2006, 20:34:37 pm »

She probably wants to suckle and be close to her momma more than feed. She's overtired and with reflux, poor dear.

Sounds like a relaxed cuddle is needed for you guys tomorrow.

Big {{{{{hugs}}}}} from me to both of you

- Beca  :-*
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2006, 12:03:57 pm »
Hi there, congrats on your new baby!!!

since she was 3 weeks early, this means her acctual age is 2 wees old, i remember when my DS was that age, i didn't kept a schedule per se, i just tried to follow to the order of things of EASY, not feed to sleep and so on. So if he woke up hungry after 2 or 2.5 hrs after his last feed i would feed him then (never before the 2hr, 'cause my ped told me not to do it before 2hr and not let pass 5 hrs between feeds) and give him some activity and then sleep again. It wasn't until he was like 2 months old that i acctually started the schedule of 3hrs 'cause he was hungry pretty much every 3 hrs. So my suggestion would be not to worry about the 3 hr mark, and just try to keep to the order of EASY, when you start to see a more stablished hungry time, then start with the 3 hr mark. but that's is just MHO.

[img width= height=][/img]  [img width= height=][/img]

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Re: Help needed please asap, unsure what to do
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2006, 00:14:17 am »
I also wanted to offer you some ((((hugs)))).

I also wanted to offer that the constantly wanted to suckle is probably a by-product of the reflux. My LO had undiagnosed reflux, and I didn't understand why he ate so much in those early weeks! He would just guzzle his bottle down, and then it would give him awful tummy pains. Now I realize it was him trying to soothe that burning throat. He has silent reflux, which means he doesn't actually spit-up - the stomach acid only shoots partway up giving him lots of pain, but there's no external indications of his reflux. Definitely talk to your ped about medications. They made a world of difference for our LO, unfortunately we didn't get them until he was 4 months old. IN the meantime, we got a wedge for his crib, and did our best to keep him upright after eating (both things we did instinctually b/c we saw it made him feel better, but we didn't know how it helped his reflux).

The fact that your LO had such a long nap in the carseat makes me wonder if she's more happy sleeping on an incline. Just something to think about! And when your LO has reflux, you need to concentrate on helping that and don't worry too much about how much time is between feeds. Just get the right order of things E - A - S, and then it will be easier later once the reflux is more under control. 

Best wishes! You are an amazing mom to have such a little one with 2 other children!
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

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