Hey! We like doggies!!

"But not the hippotamus" is better though.
We also love/ loved
Wibbly Pig books by Mick Inkpen - especially 'Everyone Hide from Wibbly Pig' and 'Wibbly Pig can dance/ likes bananas/ is happy'. Oooh and 'Is it Bedtime Wibbly Pig?'
Definitely love Maisy and that big version of Hungry Caterpillar
Also Anything by Claire Beaton - lovely sewn illustrations - especially 'One Moose, twenty mice'.
Also the Busy books : 'Busy Garage', 'Busy Garden' etc.
Other favourites include 'Big Red Bath', 'Ketchup on your cornflakes', 'Elmer', 'Slinky Malinki', (all read and enjoyed before 1st birthday).
Cloth books - there's a series: 'Fuzzy Bee and friends', 'Squishy turtle and friends' - great!
For a bit older: 'Handa's surprise', 'I took the moon for a walk', 'Papa, please get the moon for me', 'Smelly Bill'...