Hi! My DD is almost 6 months now and we have to start on solids, so far I only breastfeed. She is on 4 EASY and my biggest concern is when I should include solids on her routine. Her routine right now is:
E 5:30 am
S 7:45 am (For 1.5 hours)
E 9:30 am
S 11:45 am (for 1.5 hours)
E 1:30 pm
S 3:45 pm (for 45 min)
E 5:30 pm
A Bath & Massage
S 7:30 pm
Then I feed again at 9 pm and Dreamfeed at 11:30 pm, which I have been told I should switch at 10:30 pm.
So, according to this routine when I should be feeding solids, or should I change her routine. When solids are introduced should I keep doing the 9 pm feed and dreamfeed? How do calories work when solids are introduced, should she be hungry in the middle of the night or should she be able to sleep through the night