Author Topic: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther  (Read 962 times)

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Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« on: August 22, 2006, 21:12:10 pm »
I'm planning to implement EASY with my DS who will be 6.5 months when we go for it.  Having read Tracy's latest book, I understand the idea is to follow the times of the planned introduction for 4 months plus very precisely but I have some questions:
- Due to his age, I've been advised not to introduce the dreamfeed but if he wakes in the night (which he does currently at varying times) and I think he might be hungry, do I feed him?  If so do I have to wake him to put him back to bed if he falls asleep from the feed? 
- He usually also wakes around 4 or 5 which I think might be habit but I'm not sure.  Do I do PUPD at this time and if so, till 7?
- If he wakes at 6, I have been letting him play on his own in his cot until he gets grisly - usually 15 to 20 mins.  On the new regime, would I leave him till 7 even if this means he starts to cry?  If he starts to cry, at which point to I go in to him and what do I do?  Will leaving him to get to the crying stage undermine trust as so far I have always gone to him before he gets too upset.  Will he feel abandoned and get cot phobia?  That would be a shame.  Or do I start the day earlier.  He has so far always been an early starter.
- I understand that around 6 months most LOs drop the catnap so are just on 2 sleeps.  Is this the routine I should introduce and if so how does it affect the times I should follow on the plan on page 34? 
- Also regarding any tweaks I need to make to the routine I will introduce (I want to try and be consistent once I start), where do I fit solids in?  Do the 4 hour intervals relate to milk feedings and solids are extra on top?

Sorry for so many questions but I feel a bit confused as to the routine I will be introducing and realise for the reprogramming week/s its very important that I know what I am doing.

Many thanks for any advice.

Yorkshire Mum.

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Re: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 17:39:09 pm »

Welcome to BW!  ;)

You've asked some very good questions! Starting EASY is a commitment, but you'll see the pay-off  :)

Quote (selected)
- Due to his age, I've been advised not to introduce the dreamfeed but if he wakes in the night (which he does currently at varying times) and I think he might be hungry, do I feed him?  If so do I have to wake him to put him back to bed if he falls asleep from the feed? 
I also recommend not introducing the dreamfeed.  He may be waking at night from habit or from a growth spurt. If he's waking at erratic times that would lead me to believe growth spurt. Try giving him a cluster feed to see if he needs the extra calories.

Quote (selected)
- He usually also wakes around 4 or 5 which I think might be habit but I'm not sure.  Do I do PUPD at this time and if so, till 7?
If it's in the am you can try wake to sleep to break the habit.

Quote (selected)
- If he wakes at 6, I have been letting him play on his own in his cot until he gets grisly - usually 15 to 20 mins.  On the new regime, would I leave him till 7 even if this means he starts to cry?  If he starts to cry, at which point to I go in to him and what do I do?  Will leaving him to get to the crying stage undermine trust as so far I have always gone to him before he gets too upset.  Will he feel abandoned and get cot phobia?  That would be a shame.  Or do I start the day earlier.  He has so far always been an early starter.
EASY isn't written in stone, it's a routine you adapt to your baby's needs. If he wakes at 6 and is fine playing until 6:20 then keep things that way.  You're right, if you leave him in there until 7 he will feel the trust has been broken and there's no need for that.

Quote (selected)
- I understand that around 6 months most LOs drop the catnap so are just on 2 sleeps.  Is this the routine I should introduce and if so how does it affect the times I should follow on the plan on page 34?
I think he'll do well on 4-Hour EASY and doesn't require the catnap. Unless he seems to. Read his cues and see if he needs it. Try not to watch the clock so much and do the E A S routine that best fits your baby's needs.

Quote (selected)
- Also regarding any tweaks I need to make to the routine I will introduce (I want to try and be consistent once I start), where do I fit solids in?  Do the 4 hour intervals relate to milk feedings and solids are extra on top?
The E part means milk and solids. But again watch your baby and see what he needs and what works for him.


Let me know how you get on

Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline yorkshire

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Re: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 18:32:54 pm »
Many thanks Beca for all your answers and thoughts - and your welcome!

Could I just clarify: if I cluster feed, does that mean feed him twice (ie 5 and 7ish) before he goes to bed or does it mean a bedtime feed and then wake him up for a feed around 9ish? 

And then, if he wakes again pre 5am-ish - I have been feeding him every time at all and any time through the night - should I feed him or try to get him through to the morning with PUPD (eg if he wakes at 12 or 1 or 2)?  That's if Wake2sleep doesn't work or he wakes in addition earlier.  If I feed him, do I need to wake him afterwards before putting him in the cot?

Regarding the 4 hourly intervals for feeding, the sample routines posted by many on this site for 6-9 monthers and the summary in BW2 on page 38 seems to have solids an hour or two between milk feeds.  I've also read in other weaning books about milk feedings being given between solids meals.   So I'm still a bit confused about that.

I see that EASY is not about clock-watching schedules and that its very important to observe and go with your baby's cues but, never having had a good routine so far (due to the feed to sleep problem and little or no naps), I'm concerned about getting my retraining period schedule planned well as BW suggests it is necessary to follow a precise and consistent routine for this period, then being able to relax it a bit once its in place.

Strangely the one night my DS slept through to 7am was when we went out to friends the night before and it was a nightmare for his usual routine: he was up till 10.30pm being overstimulated by friends and finally fed at home at 11.30 till he fell asleep.  But he did have a temperature that day and was sick the following day - so I don't seriously think this is the right routine for him!

If you could just set me right on this night feeding bizniz and the 4 hour meal thing, then I will try not to bother you again till I start - then I'm sure I'll be back!

Good wishes from over the Atlantic.

Offline rebecaq

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Re: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2006, 18:57:35 pm »
If I considered you a bother then I'm definitely doing the wrong thing!! I love to help out  ;D

I realize you want to have everything prepared with back-up plans and all. This is good, but we also ahve to see how your lo does. Starting EASY, especially at his age takes a while to run smoothly. I believe that by putting him on a predictable routine it will help his sleep. You mentioned he's had short or no naps, so by having 2 during the day his night sleep should also benefit. Tracy says " good sleep begets good sleep"  ;)

The cluster feed should be 5ish and 7ish. There's no need to wake him at 9 if he's already in bed. We want him to have as much un-interrupted sleep as possible.

About the feeds, what works here for us at home is a bottle in between solids as a snack, but not too close to naptime.

Try to be relaxed about the routine from the start. Babies pick up on our anxiety and react to it.  You need to show him that this is all very second nature and keep your "cool" per se. You mentioned 2 words precise and consistent. The one you need is consistent. Make sure he always has the E A S pattern  ;)

When are you planning on starting?

Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere  8)

- Beca


Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline yorkshire

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Re: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 20:28:24 pm »
Yes you are right, I need to chill out a bit.  I guess I am a bit anxious about whether I will be able to keep going and not cave in.  I will be going for it starting mid September when my mum can come and stay for a week to give me some moral support. 
Many thanks for your help. 


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Re: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2006, 20:37:08 pm »
When I have rough days I just keep telling myself he'll be a happier, better adjusted, easy going baby if I stick to it. As Tracy said " Do as you mean to go on"  ;D

I'm here anytime you need help or hit a road bump  ;)

- Beca
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline yorkshire

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Re: Preparing to start with 6.5 monther
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2006, 19:10:51 pm »
Thanks Beca.  I'm sure I'll be back.
