Author Topic: Rolling over in her cot and crawling around the cot!  (Read 1174 times)

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Offline silverback1975

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Rolling over in her cot and crawling around the cot!
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:53:08 am »
OK - so I finally stopped wrapping my 8M DD and she is now in a sleeping bag - sometimes (not all the time) - when I put her to bed she keeps rolling over onto all her fours and crawls around the cot. What do i do? Do i start wrapping her again? Also - the other thing I wanted to ask is when she was wrapped I found that she would sleep for around 1.5 hours - unwrapped she tends to wake after the 1st sleep cyle and more often than not will not go back to sleep. Is this because now she is unwrapped her hands are free to play etc? She is fine sleeping unwrapped at night in her sleeping bag....Any advice on the sleep unwrapped and rolling over would be much appreciated.....

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Rolling over in her cot and crawling around the cot!
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 02:31:30 am »
congrats on weaning the swaddle. 

we are also trying to wean the swaddle and i know that my lo is still trying to learn how to transition through sleep cycles.  is she having problems at nap time and bedtime?  i notice that my lo can go about 4 hours during the night and then gets up and needs to be shhhed back to sleep.

this may be a silly question and i'm sure i know the answer but she only does the crawling thing when not in her sleep sack, right?  does she still roll when in her sleep sack? 

since you've weaned it, i really wouldn't go back unless she just isn't sleeping and gets overtired.  i hate the hard time we're having and that i can't just set her in bed and she'll immediately go to sleep but she'll eventually need to learn how to sleep with her hands out.  but don't let it get too bad where she's upset and not sleeping well a lot.


Offline silverback1975

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Re: Rolling over in her cot and crawling around the cot!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 03:48:41 am »
she actually rolls over and crawls in her sleeping bag...she has just started to do this but only for 1 day sleep - she will also sleep through the night in her sleeping bag without needing to be put backto sleep...I'm not sure how night sleeps can be so differnt to say sleeps...

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Rolling over in her cot and crawling around the cot!
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 03:58:19 am »
that's really funny actually. 

anyway, my lo isn't crawling yet but i know that we had to spend a lot of time practicing sitting up because she kept waking up.  i assume you guys practice a lot during the day?
