I'm not sure where to post this question.
My dd is waking up every night coughing. I wait to see if it will subside, and she will go back to sleep, but I don't want it to go on too long. Usually when I go in, she is sitting there....just coughing, not crying. Then she has us up for an hour usually or more and she has trouble getting back to sleep. I usually hold her while the coughing subsides and try to get her back to sleep. She only cries if I put her back in the crib.
Anyway, it is VERY possible that she is teething since she is 14 months and only had her first two bottom teeth. We've been giving her tylenol and orajel on her gums.
She doesn't have any sort of cough during the day and is very happy all day, eats well, naps well at daycare. Then at home, over the last week and a half she hasn't been going to sleep well at night. Then she wakes a few times in the night, and usually one time is because of the cough and then she is awake for a while.
She's never been a great night time sleeper. But a few weeks ago she miraculously slept through the night on two occasions. Seriously this has only happened about 8 times in her life. I thought we were starting something good.
Can anyone help....is this cough due to saliva entering the airway in the night?
thanks in advance.
I'm so tired, I just need some good sleep. But I'm worried about my lo.
She has no other symptoms...and therefore it doesn't seem to be an issue for the doc.