Author Topic: Should I jump at this?  (Read 1049 times)

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Offline andrea21

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Should I jump at this?
« on: August 30, 2006, 08:47:32 am »
My Ds is 8.5months old and quite active.He has been crawling from 6months,standing from 7months and walks with a baby push walker,so he does wear himself pretty easy.

He normally has naps at 9.45-10am until 11,11.15am and then at 1.30/2pm-3.30/4pm.These times are goodnow,my problem is my DD starts back school in one week and I have to pick her up at 3pm.It will be OK for the 2 weeks at picking her up at 3pm as DH is home so he can stay with him,but in 4 weeks I am going to Australia for 3 months and Dd is enrolled in pre-school there which is one week 3 days the other week 2 days and they all finish at 3pm,and DH isn't coming with us at the start and then we he is there I can rely on him as he has other commitments.

So I am hopeing I will be able to get him to one sleep and going down earlier then 1.30/2pm for his sleep.

Today he didn't go down until 10.30am so should I try and keep it at this time and for the next 3 weeks and then we go to Australia he will be waking earlier then his wake up time here,so i might be able to keep on extending his time to one sleep a day.

He will be 9.5months when we go there,is that still to young for one sleep a day?

It is a real concern for me on what to do on his sleep time?

This is his routine now,and if anyone has any advice on what I should or can do i would really Appreciate it,as would love to no what I am doing with him before i land.

7am awake&bottle
7.30pm breakfast
9.45/10.00-11.15 sleep(except today)

12noon lunch
1pm bottle
1.30-33.30pm sleep

4pm snack
6pm tea
7-8pm bottle and bed(this time all depends on how much he has during the day)

Again any advice i really appreciate it.


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Re: Should I jump at this?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 10:57:45 am »
Generally, 9.5 months is too young for one nap. It works ok sometimes but it really depends on the LO. My DD is 12.5 months and not ready for one nap - she got hideously overtired when we tried and we just had a cranky baby with nightwakings. Generally at 8.5 months you'd see awake times of about 3 hours. You'd probably be better off with one longer nap and one short catnap...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Re: Should I jump at this?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 22:14:52 pm »
andrea Liv moved to 1 nap at 10.5 months but that was what she needed.

in your case i figure you do what you have to do with 2 kids so what i woudl suggest is this:

start moving his nap a little later for the first 2 weeks and see how it goes - start with 10:30-11 and if that is going well try 11 or later for the nap to start.  if you are lucky over the 2 weeks (this is normal adjustment period so be willing to deal with crankiness or a need for a catnap to get through to bedtime)  he will do a minimum of 2 hrs. 

If he can make it through to bedtime on that you will be good to go but if he is struggling i woudl move bedtime forward to 6:30 or so to compensate if he does a short nap.

you may find he will do a very long single nap (up to 3 or more hours is not uncommon, nor is 1.5-2hrs just have to see) and add any missing sleep to his overnight, so with waking later eventually then you can push thenap later towards noon and it will all settle down.

the trick is for the 1 nap toi negthen - 1 nap of 1hr woudl not sustain him but if he gets to a 2hr or more nap around 11-12am you may find that is enough.  quite a few of the moms on my birth club have lo who have never pushed their nap later than 11:30 or 12 and have got on fine with the one nap... it is all trial and error. at 10.5-11 mo Liv was going ddown at 12-12:30 and within a month was going down at 1-1:30. i think if you settled on a 11:30 nap you woudl be fine both for him to get some good napping AND to get to dd's school by 3pm  HTH
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline andrea21

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Re: Should I jump at this?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2006, 05:22:13 am »
Thanks for that deb,that is what I would like to be doing.

Yesterday kind of backfired I think,or he was just well not to sure what he was...

He went down at 10.30-11.30 then had a half an hour cap nap at 5pm and then didn't go to bed until 11pm.Tried to get him down in the aft and just wouldn't go down,and at night time we were out came home at 9.15pm and he was tired looking but no sleep for him he was playing and screaming.So today will put him back to his normalt sleeps time for me if anything...

